WHY DO PEOPLE HATE PEOPLE? The answer is simpler than you might think

After countless deep and meaningful conversations, with people from all walks of life, all around the world, I was left wondering, “Why do people hate people so much?

Despite all the years of study and research, I couldn’t answer this question in a way that fully satisfied my Heart. The nutty professor inside of me likes to have an answer for everything. He wants to understand life from every possible angle - and until recently, the underlying cause of this problem remained a mystery.

I realise addressing the deepest and darkest side of our humanity is a full on topic, but I don’t actually see anyone else presenting a plausible answer to this situation. So I feel it is time to take a brutally honest look at humanity’s dark side, and determine exactly what is going on and how to fix it. Sound ambitious? Maybe…. But what is more important in times like these? It is a big topic, so it looks like it might be a long post.

The thing about humanity is: We are all the same. This can be a good thing and a bad thing, but at least it makes finding the answers to our problems very simple. As a practitioner, I have treated people with practically every dis-ease and problem known to man. During consultations, it didn’t take long for people to realise I genuinely cared, and almost immediately would open up, and literally tell me everything. There is almost nothing I haven’t seen or heard in the last 30+ years.

Everywhere I went around the world, I shared with people who were getting by in life. However, I didn’t have to scratch very deep to find out that most were living some degree of an existential crisis. The only difference was that some people could hide it better than others. The vast majority of people were openly full of pain, confusion and exhaustion.

Beneath all the masks and hats people wear, there is a person who just wants to get the hell out of their situation. Their motives may differ, but they nearly all lack Peace and doubt their ability to keep going. Some people struggle to make life better for themselves; others for their family; others for the world. Some can function within the system, while others fail miserably and seek alternatives.

The vast majority of people are seeking alternatives. They simply want out. Most are bored out of their brains, and can’t cope being shackled to a controlled and regulated society. The suppression is unbearable, and they are no longer prepared to prop up an artificial world. It has become an unacceptable burden to have their tax money kill and destroy another culture. The abhorrent destruction of the planet and animal species breaks their hearts. They don’t want to support the slave labour in prisons and sweat shops. Everyone tells me that given the chance, they would go and live a self-sustaining life in a cabin in the woods.

This is why so many people escape to nature every chance they get. Their holidays usually involve getting away from it all. And the more isolated and remote the better. Those that are fortunate enough to make the escape permanent speak with a deep conviction. They don’t want to be reminded of the outside world, and are happy to forget it exists.

However, most people are trapped and can’t escape. They are a slave to the system. At best they may go on a short vacation or a 10 day retreat, but nothing that comes close to providing the required healing. Even though they lost heart years ago, they keep dreaming that one day their luck may change, and they will have the freedom to spread their wings and never look back.

So, how bad are things when most people just want to flee their lives? The environments that are supposed to be supporting them are driving them crazy. Most people just wish they could stop the world and get off. They are sick and tired of the suicide bombers, the police brutality and killings, the crime, the terror, the homelessness, the drugs, fake news, narcissistic celebrities, the beheadings, the false flag operations, the disease and medication rates, etc. - pretty much everything in society.

It is obvious that society is being driven by the insane, war-mongering, Illuminati controlled governments. These psychopaths are backed by the blatant fear tactics of the corporate media. This is reinforced by a subliminal assault inflicted by the satanic cults running the music and entertainment industry. And it is all kept in motion by rigged elections for smug politicians, who lie directly to our face. They are protected by the paedophiles among the elite and religious - the very people who should be making a difference.

We have probably all witnessed or been the victim of someone who was on an egotistical power trip. There are people who are just plain nasty and act like absolute arseholes towards others. They vent on social media, which has become a playground for the haters. But when you put all judgment and opinions aside, you will see that these people are the ones who are suffering the most. They just take their frustrations out on others. Exposure to this behaviour effects the mental health of many people, who eventually cannot contain their frustration and hit boiling point.

People who have reached this point demonstrate a contempt for life, others or themselves. You only need to look at how many people display self-destructive habits and behaviour. They appear as socially accepted ways of suicide: smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, eating junk food etc - all of which are known to kill people. Everyone knows the only reason they are allowed to keep existing is because someone is profiteering off the ways people distract themselves away from their inherent pain.

This is why many people are completely over dealing with other people’s attitude and behaviour. They are tired of being bombarded by the stupidity of the sheeple. They feel like screaming, “For God’s sake people, just wake the fuck up!”. Even if they do blow their lid and scream “ENOUGH!”, it doesn’t change anything. They usually go deeper into suppression, until the next time around the world drives them completely bonkers. Any wonder suicide rates are going up.

When I reached that point in life, I was fortunate enough to have a spiritual master take me aside. He said very emphatically, “I want you to understand just one thing Brian. There are no longer just irrationalities in the world. There are only varying degrees of insanity! So STOP expecting people to change their attitude and behaviour.” This cleared the way for me to focus all my energies on going within, which carries over into everything I share today.

Anyone who dares to break the mould is definitely going to be made an example of. Let’s find a good example - I know, let’s use the story of Jesus. Now this guy, he was supposed to be as good as you can possibly get. He was perfect - right up to end, then he cried out in pain and questioned God his father. But he quickly woke up to himself and totally surrendered, so it was all good. But we probably need to remember why was he nailed to a bloody cross in the first place. Ummm….Oh that’s right, because one of his closest friends betrayed him for money and got him arrested. Plus, his best friend denied ever knowing him - not just once, but three times - AND, his remaining friends abandoned him when all the people he was trying to serve turned on him. They even chose to free a criminal over him, and then protested until he was condemned to a slow grisly death.

I am by no means anti-Christian, it is just that the bible contains some of the best examples of humanity’s dark side. Which is why the story of Jesus was not created to teach us how to have compassion and forgiveness for those who harm us, or how to have unwavering trust in our Creator. If it was, then every Christian would be living a charitable life and be completely at Peace, having followed his example of how to forgive - and surrender even when being tortured to death.

No, his story wasn’t a message - it was a warning!
   Be a good citizen and follow all the rules, but don’t be too good - otherwise, we’ll make
   all your friends turn on you, and we may have to kill you.

This sinister message is a deterrent, which sets a precedence in the hearts and minds of every Christian. What chance have they got to make a difference if this is what happened to a guy pure and powerful enough to perform miracles? The story is suggesting the pits of hell await anyone prepared to stick their neck out or cross the invisible boundaries.

So at the end of the day, no one ever really does anything to change - the consequences are just too great. Besides, despite the wisdom of the ages, no one seems to have a clue on where we are missing the point, or even knows where to begin fixing this rotten mess. Most people are stuck in their roles, trying to validate their existence and keep the current paradigm going. If it isn’t part of their job description, then they will happily leave it for someone else to sort out. The only problem is, we are all in this together - and the only way we will ever get through this is if we all pull our heads in and work together.

However, unless we know exactly how to pull the plug on this cesspool of a society, we will never be able to stop and face the reality of our situation. Until we can look ourselves, and each other, in the eye and say, with absolute conviction and honesty, “I‘ve got you. I am with you on this!”, then we can ditch all the empty platitudes and warm and fuzzy clichés. We have to do whatever it takes to get on the same page so we can start anew. So what’s the answer?

The answer to this whole situation came to me at the end of ‘one of those days’. I had spent the day dealing with the extremes of ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and insanity. A night walk to the beach was needed to give me the inner space to make sense of my day. I thought about it deeply, and realised I needed to go back to the very beginning within my own experience. So I did.

As I walked and talked with my friend, I relived the earliest and most painful memories lurking in the crevasses of my mind. I dug deeper into them than ever before. Then the answer hit me. What was at their core is what makes people hate people.

The answer is:
Because we are killing each other! 
- not directly, but indirectly, by killing each other’s CREATIVITY.

So could all the world’s problems be simply due to the suppression of the creative genius within each of us?

My answer is, YES! - absolutely.

If you look deep enough, you will see that all the deep-seated emotions plaguing us are the direct result of being denied the opportunity for our pure spontaneous creative expression. We are destroying each other’s opportunity to find and stay in the FLOW. We deny Love and withdraw support. We inflict pain, and react with vengeance. This is because we are all suffering the very same thing. We are literally doing each other’s heads in. We hear it in flustered exclamations like, “OMG! This is killing me!” We are left 'hating' whatever or whoever we believe is responsible for the pain and frustration.

When you look at people who have an emotional or mental breakdown, you can see how they regress back to their child self. They go back to the age they were denied the chance to develop and grow through play and creativity. This default state is the point where they stopped developing the pathways that enable them to be who they are meant to be. When we are denied the opportunity to experience or express our creativity, our energies simply turn destructive. This is the real root of much of the violence and destruction in our world.

I facilitate a neurological remediation program - for people with ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, autism etc. The most remarkable thing people and parents repeatedly told me was: “When they are doing something they love, they don’t have a problem.” Their symptoms would literally disappear. The best example of this is in the documentary ‘Horse Boy’, when a nonverbal boy speaks for the first time having climbed onto a horse.

My theory: A lack of creativity is at the root of all our social problems. To return to how we are truly meant to be, we just need to have fun doing what we truly love, and share it with as many people as possible. To make this a reality, we only need to honour a single Natural Law - DO NO HARM. If everyone just minded their own business, and left each other alone to do what they wanted, then we might all just find the Peace and Love we need.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)


If you want to know more about developing your creativity, read my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.


THE 3 KEYS TO TRUE KNOWLEDGE: Apply, Practice and Cultivate

There is a great saying, “To know and not do, is to NOT Know.” It means that we only truly know something from having done it. It is ironic that we live in a world that offers us an infinite number of experiences and endless amounts of information, but there is a core attitude and behaviour in humanity that undermines our potential to make the most of what we have available.

I have spoken with thousands of people all around the world in varying capacities, and almost without exception, people have admitted to me that they are not living an empowered life. If most people were honest and open, they would confess to failing to practice what they know. There are two main admissions I have had heard:

1.     “I know I shouldn’t be doing what I am doing, but I can’t help myself”, or “….I just can’t stop doing it.”
2.     “I know what I should be doing but never get around to doing it”, or “…I just can’t bring myself to do it”

This state often leaves people wondering “What the hell is wrong with me?” There is often a degree of self-recrimination where people judge themselves for their ineptness, and their inability to 'get their shit together'. They look at the apparent success of others and think, “How come other people can do this and I can’t?” They beat themselves up over their shortcomings and failures, often resulting in despair and even self-destructive behaviour. Clearly, none of this is conducive to real change.

So where are we missing the point? How is it that even the most renowned and successful people have admitted to me that they suffer from this attitude and behaviour - even when health and personal development is their field of expertise? How do we deal with the objections and excuses - the “Yes, I know that, but…” scenarios? Until we can root out the basis of this attitude and behaviour, then there is no real foundation for individual or collective change.

To understand where we are missing the point we need to understand that developing knowledge and learning involves developing pathways within the cerebellum of the brain. For this be effective, the required tasks MUST be done in a smooth, controlled and deliberate manner. This means we can only truly come to Know something from the direct experience deliberate action gives us. If this is not done, the brain is forced to adapt, and it develops compensatory pathways. This causes unconscious habits to form instead.

When you observe humanity today, most people are living according to their habits. We are not encouraged to think or live outside the square. When you add stress to habits, we are forced to compensate. These compensations gain momentum and prevent people from being able to stop and think. This state of being makes changing habits practically impossible. This is essentially the reason why people cannot change their core attitudes and behaviours, and often not open to correction.

Most people are in ‘the pursuit of happiness’. Their hot pursuit is like a boy chasing a ball out onto a road. The child is so focused on the ball he doesn’t hear the onlookers scream out stop! For most people, the screams to stop are coming from within, but they are overridden in an effort to survive or get ahead. Being so caught up in the pace of life, they may react to a simple reminder of what they "already know".  

All of this behaviour is the result of the survival reflexes in our brain being jammed on. Therefore, the precursor to being able to apply new or existing knowledge is to be in the right state of mind. In my line of work, I commonly hear phrases like, “I have never stopped to think about that before”, and “WOW, I have never seen it from that perspective before.” Therefore, we must have the resources, guidance and support that we require to make change possible. If the dominant force in our lives is not what we need to nurture and nourish the development of new pathways, then old habits will prevail.

But there is Light amidst the darkness. We need to focus on what I call THE 3 KEYS OF TRUE KNOWLEDGE:

1. APPLICATION - The deliberate application of everything you already know is the key to true change
2. PRACTICE - The practice of everything you are coming to know is the key to growth
3. CULTIVATION - The cultivation of everything you are yet to know is the key to transformation

So what exactly is it that we need to do in order to develop true Knowledge? Most people agree that life by nature is very simple, so anything that complicates it is possibly serving an agenda that perhaps isn’t your own, or of the egoic self. The primary things we need to apply, practice and cultivate are anything and everything that enables us to develop and maintain our health, fitness and wellbeing.

Once you transcend your conditioning and programming, you will connect with your inner creative genius. This will naturally fill you with inspiration to find and fulfil your creative potential. To spell that out clearly, you just need to find the most fun and interesting things to do. You won’t need any discipline or sergeant majors screaming at you to stay motivated. In short, the meaning of life is to have fun, and the purpose of life is to share it with as many people as possible. Anyone who thinks that sounds too simple or broad of an answer is probably lacking true Knowledge.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to know how to develop true Knowledge, read my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.


I am currently developing some of the content for my up and coming eBook, which follows on from my first book - THE CONSCIOUS BEING: A Practical Guide to The Nature of Life. I thought I would give you a glimpse of some of the juicy topics that I will be covering in the book.

I will be sharing all the factors that determine our ability to consciously heal and live true to our purpose. One of the foundational topics I cover is THE THREE PHASES OF EVOLUTION - Change, Growth and Transformation. These are the distinct phases each individual goes through as they evolve from The Dualistic State to The Conscious State. They describe the rectifications required to reach the ultimate experience. I define each of these phases below:

1. CHANGE - All change takes place within duality. The different experiences are motivated by either suffering or inspiration.

2. GROWTH - Growth is the outcome of an ongoing change that is fueled by a positive synergy within the required aspects and facets of life - on an individual or collective level. Growth leads to a shift from False Awareness to True Awareness.

3. TRANSFORMATION - Transformation is a new kind of action and expression due to the change in form, appearance, state or character that comes with a conscious shift into our true Divine Nature.

The definition of Change is: to make the form, content, future course, etc. of something different from what it is, or from what it would be if left alone. True Change is a Transition from the Negative or False Positive to the True Positive. This change can be motivated through suffering the consequences of negative influences, or the inspiration from positive influences.

The definition of Growth is: development from a simpler or related form to a more complex form or stage. The conscious application of synergy is the key to Growth, which leads to an Awakening to the Laws, Dynamics and Processes within Life. Applying synergy involves the appropriate forms of stimulation and nourishment relative to each stage of development and phase of healing. The synergy must be applied in the manner required for each individual, which enables a shift towards the natural state of wholeness and completeness, and an increase in their potential.

Growth creates a state of Grace where you experience synchronicity and serendipity unfolding in your life. However, it is essential to realise that true growth will ALWAYS take you beyond the current frames of reference you have for reality! In other words, growth will put you on the leading edge of consciousness expanding into the unknown. There is an overall increase in The Level of Sensitivity (see earlier blog).

This phase can be unsettling when the shift is sudden or there is a lack in the required support or resources. I call it ‘Perfect Suffering’, as it forces people into a state of absolute humility and compassion. The discomfort lasts until they are able to remain anchored in the new Truth that is revealed to them. They can then experience and express a higher level of knowledge and level of dedication.

We can break down the word Transformation to extract its true meaning:

- Trans-form-ation: ‘trans’ = new; ‘form’ = kind; ‘ation’ = action/expression

Therefore it means a new kind of action and expression. It is also the change in form, appearance, state or character that comes with a conscious shift into The Divine Nature - with little or no resemblance with the past configuration or structure. It typically results in a drastic reorientation, leading to a totally new direction, along with an entirely different level of perception. Therefore, all transformations reflect an expansion within conscious awareness. This reflects in a radical change in approach, which leads to a complete upsurge in the level of productivity and efficiency.

Transformation is the outcome of conscious evolution and the Transcendence of individuality, providing access to Purpose. The phase of transformation brings you fully into each moment - to BE HERE NOW. There is no residue of the past bleeding into the present, and the present doesn’t overflow into the future. You remain on the leading edge of conscious, but this time you are expanding into the unknowable. Therefore, nothing you already know and understand is relevant to where you are going.

Many types of Transformation exist in nature and the world around us - political regime changes, chemical reactions, changes of seasons and mathematical equations to name a few. However, the best example is the caterpillar turning into a butterfly. This is often used as a metaphor for personal transformation, indicating that you live your life and work hard to survive, then undergo a process that you have no control over or any understanding of what is on the other side.

Very few people ever experience true change, let alone grown or transformed, therefore you cannot expect those around you to understand what you are going through. You will more than likely experience periods of enormous alienation and isolation. All you can do is remain instrumental in The Conscious State and respond to whatever unfolds in each moment.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to understand how consciously evolve, read my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

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SENSITIVITY: Our capacity to Love and share bliss

We all have an innate Knowing within us. Most of us never realise it’s there, because it is usually buried so deep under our conditioning, programming and acquired knowledge. We have lost our sensitivity due to never having had the chance to live in harmony with Nature, in order to activate our inner knowing.

Most people in today’s fast paced society have become so desensitised to ‘stress’ that they accept it as normal. However, many have had the pain in their lives cross the thresh-hold, or have hit breaking point and been forced to stop. Though they often get lost when seeking an alternative in a world that has become deaf and blind to nature.

There is a high level of cognitive dissonance, where nearly everyone claims to be seeking the fulfilment of their dreams, their ideal or ultimate reality, but do the complete opposite in their lives. Many proclaim to be seeking Heaven on Earth, but proceed to watch mindless TV shows or incredibly violent and gory movies. Many listen to music that is literally maddening. We have gone from being a child that cries when Lassie doesn’t come home, to growing up and cheering when someone gets their head blown off!

If we look to the animal kingdom we can see how cats and dogs innately know what grasses to eat when they are sick. They go along smelling the grass until they find the right one then they eat it. Many people watch the incredible animal documentaries and marvel at the amazing abilities creatures have, due to the sensitivity of their perceptions. They are disturbed by man’s involvement in the extinction of species, and protest over threats to their habitats.

However, very few recognise the true sensitivities of our own human nature. Most of us fail to realise how the discrepancies in our lives are impacting on our health, wellbeing, and environment. Our potential is beyond everything we have been taught and told. Imagine if we were all living Heaven on Earth and there were only two sick people. What are we all going to do? Ignore them? Of course not! We would be sensitive to their needs and do everything possible to enable them to share the same state and reality we were enjoying.

In today’s world we have become so desensitised that we easily step over beggars in the streets, walk past the homeless; and even support the annihilation of another country to ensure our own oil supply. Living such a compromised, contradictory and ignorant life will always result in dis-ease. We cannot pretend we don’t feel the pain in others. Millions of people around the world medicate themselves to numb this pain, or take drugs to escape the torment of their souls. They smoke cigarettes to put up a smoke screen, so they don’t see their own lack of fulfilment, and to temporarily satisfy their urge to do something ‘pleasurable’.

Generally speaking, there are 6 Levels of Sensitivity. They are listed below from the lowest to highest with a brief example:

1. INSENSITIVE - a person taking a life or killing creatures
2. HYPERSENSITIVE - a person having an anaphylactic reaction to a food ingredient
3. DESENSITISED - a painter unable to smell the toxic fumes of paint
4. HYPOSENSITIVE - a person used to rushing all day in their job
5. SENSITIVE - a person crying while watching a movie
6. SUPERSENSITIVE - being beyond duality, therefore the influence of the external

Unfortunately, The New Age agenda has caused a great number of people to believe they are special because they are so ‘sensitive’. However, when you realise the nature of our true supersensitive state, it presents a whole new paradigm. The supersensitive state means we are able to sense and feel EVERYTHING - but we are not influenced by anything outside of ourselves. We are free of all the reactivity that comes with the lower levels.

There is a wonderful saying that is central to the martial arts philosophy, “You are only influenced by the world in proportion to your desire to influence the world.” We are not here to change, influence, control or manipulate anything. We are here to simply be and share all that we are, and celebrate all that is. This saying supports our need to mind our own business and take things as they come to us.

The key to increasing our sensitivity is to return to a pure and simple natural life. The more truly sensitive we are, the more we can genuinely Love ourselves and each other. Our energies will expand so that we can have more fun together - and experience the true bliss offered to each and every one of us.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to understand how consciously develop your level of sensitivity, read my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

CONVICTION, COMMITMENT OR DEVOTION: What is your level of dedication?


Today’s post is another excerpt from my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. It happens to be from page 432, so it may resonate with you. :)

When we maintain a pure and simple lifestyle, we will naturally develop a deep sense of dedication to everything in our lives. There are 3 Levels of Dedication towards our Life Path or any other task.

1. CONVICTION - Conviction is the Knowing that there is only one true path you can take on your Soul’s journey. The point of conviction can come about as the result of suffering or inspiration.

2. COMMITMENT - True commitment is the Knowing that once you start on your Path, there is never any turning back! This Level of Dedication can only be reached through Inspiration.

3. DEVOTION - The true meaning of Devotion is that you are prepared to do whatever it takes to fulfil a task or your Purpose. This Level of Dedication can only be reached through Inspiration.

To develop true dedication, we must first be convinced of what to do. This comes from being able to determine the negative consequences or positive rewards. Once we gain clarity as to which way things will turn out, we can then commit ourselves to doing what is required. If we feel sufficiently strong about our mission, we will fully devote ourselves to the task to the exclusion of all other seemingly less important tasks.

Today, the use of these three words is all too frequent. They are usually in the context of a person’s level of motivation towards their goals or duties. However, very few people appreciate the real power these words possess when used in a spiritual context. We can use these words to symbolise The Level of Dedication a person has towards their growth on their true path in life. The confusion we see around the use of these words warrants a deeper investigation, so we can use them more deliberately.

The word dedication means that a person is able to focus fully on a single task, usually with an element of effort or sacrifice. The degree of effort or sacrifice an individual is prepared to undergo indicates the level of dedication. The willingness to exert effort and make sacrifices is directly in proportion to the importance the person places on the task in relation to maintaining or evolving within their state of being.

When we distinguish the three levels, we find that each level is its own distinct reality. In a spiritual context, conviction, commitment and devotion are Divine Qualities. As with all Divine Qualities, there are no degrees of conviction, commitment and devotion. Either you are convinced, committed or devoted, or you are not! - it is all or nothing!

All willingness to change comes from either suffering or Inspiration. Suffering will only ever convince you what isn’t working, never has worked, and never will work in the world. However, Inspiration enables you to see what is working, has always worked, and will always work. You can achieve the level of conviction through either suffering or inspiration. However, you can only reach the level of commitment and devotion through inspiration, because without an awareness of the Divine Laws, Dynamics and Processes at work, there can be no true insight into the real nature of life.

The Levels of Dedication relate to every aspect of being and facet of your life. They also determine our ability to start or finish something. The Buddha explained: “There are two mistakes one can make along the road to Truth: Not going all the way…. and not starting.”

It is only natural that the more imbalances you have in your life, the harder it will be for you to discriminate the Truth and dedicate yourself to your path. When imbalances are the dominant force in your reality, you will be indecisive and procrastinate.

It takes courage to change and follow your convictions. It takes even greater courage to follow your commitments. However, being committed is not the biggest challenge you may face. One of the hardest things you may experience is that, despite your best efforts, what you committed yourself to doesn’t actually work out. This may be in relation to your job, relationships or health and fitness. Sometimes, you just have to accept that what you wanted or needed just aren’t meant to be.  

The level of courage required to experience true devotion is rarely experienced. Devotion is the natural outcome of growth on all levels of your being. This experience can be extremely painful, because it requires you to undergo a complete transformation. It is the worst kind of existential crisis, because all your reference points of what you thought was true and real will be stripped away. For a period of time, you will feel completely lost and confused. Very few people have developed devotion because they are too compromised in their life, or lack the courage to go through the period of darkness to reach this level of dedication.  

When you live with conviction, commitment or devotion, you may find yourself subjected to all kinds of judgments and criticisms. People in a dualistic state will project their own reality onto you and  misinterpret everything you do and say. The beauty of feeling true dedication is that it gives you the inner clarity and strength to not give a damn about what anyone else thinks, says or does. You know in your heart you are on your true path, and that is all that matters. Within that feeling, there is Peace, and that is the only thing that will guide you towards fulfilling your true potential and purpose.

Unless the people around you reflect the same level of dedication that you live by, you cannot expect to have a true sharing with them. Therefore, as the Buddha said, “Travel with thy equals or thy better. If non available, travel alone.” Your main focus is on having fun and being creative. This keeps you true to the nature of life, so you can be guaranteed that everything will flow in the right direction.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to fully understand how to dedicate yourself to your Path in Life, read my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

THE TWO PARADIGMS: Experiences within consciousness or of consciousness


Despite common beliefs, it is possible for us to be consciously aware of all the different elements in our lives that make us think and feel the way we do. Essentially, there are two distinct ways in which we experience life. Our core perceptions of reality determine whether we have an experience of consciousness, or an experience within consciousness! The difference between the two realities is black and white.

We can explore the two paradigms objectively without making one better than the other. I am simply defining the two experiences relative to what each individual wants and needs, relative to what they know. The main difference between the two experiences is perspective. To have an experience of consciousness, you must have a top-down perspective. Therefore, an experience within consciousness means you have a bottom-up perspective of reality.

In order for you to have a top-down experience of consciousness, you must be aligned and connected to all the laws, dynamics and processes at work within nature and the universe. The more you are out of harmony with nature, the more you will be limited to the bottom-up experiences within consciousness.

One of the main characteristics of the bottom-up reality is that people are not altogether open to the suggestion that we are all equal. They cannot and will not accept that those having a different perception of reality are worthy of respect, and consider them to be lacking in some form of intelligence. They may have been programmed to believe they possess a superior intellect and higher morals.

A Conscious Being is beyond identifying with anything within duality. Their primary intention is to seek true Peace and Love, based on a core belief that we are all equal and one in spirit. They are innately aware of the true relationship between all things and the unity within the whole of creation. Their main purpose is to deepen their inner connection with their Creator, and share the joy of that experience with as many people as possible.

People having experiences within consciousness rarely stop and think about the nature of life. They perhaps never contemplate the forces that create and sustain their body, or question the origins of their thoughts, or ponder the meaning of life itself. They are happy just going through the motions in a competitive world and living the daily grind. Whereas a conscious being feels incomplete and restless without having a true sense of connection and purpose. They find the grind extremely boring and the mindless pressures to survive an excruciating waste of time and energy. This makes them tend to drop out of society and seek alternative lifestyles.

Those having bottom-up experiences can have an absolutely wonderful time, where everything is good, clean, safe, friendly, secure, exciting etc. But to a person with a top-down perspective, having everything means nothing if it lacks a divine connection. Despite all the comfort and convenience of modern and successful life, if there is no real connection with anything or anyone, then the whole experience will be empty and unfulfilling. This reality is prevalent among the rich and famous, where despite living the high life in the limelight, they are desperately lonely and unfulfilled.

People with a bottom-up reality tend to focus on improving their current situation in the world - career, living environment, bank account etc. They may even actively protest injustices and fight for our rights and freedom. They may want or keep things fair for everyone or not really care either way. Either way, they are often locked into biased beliefs with rigid views, and driven by busy schedules with tight budgets.

This conditioned mentality is the result of a corrupt and structured system, which deliberately produces a stratified society and a prejudiced culture. This is reinforced to the masses by narrow religious texts and crooked media, which feed and perpetuate fundamental views and intolerant opinions. This often leaves these people with no opportunity to know any different, so it pours over into the next generation.

Alternatively, someone having a top-down experience searches tirelessly for something that is out of the ordinary, and seemingly intangible to the mainstream reality. But they are not the least bit perturbed by their alienation. They are open-minded but have no time whatsoever for small talk, gossip or media. They need to find people and places that support them in their relationship nature, so they can honour it in its full diversity. They yearn for true and permanent freedom, because their need to have a true experience of consciousness is the most essential experience within their paradigm.

Knowing how to attain and maintain an experience of consciousness will give the opportunity to truly connect with your authentic self. This will enable you to establish relationships based on a genuine love and a deep appreciation for each other’s uniqueness. You will be able to unconditionally accept and support others, wherever they are at on their journey and in life.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to know more about The Conscious and Dualistic Paradigms, purchase a copy of my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world., by clicking on the button below.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

REACTION OR RESPONSE: It is one or the other

When you look at the state the word today, it is obvious that we have lost sight of how to live together in harmony. So we need to be aware of what is missing that causes and perpetuates the separation and division within humanity.

 What forms the very foundation of our everyday lives is essentially information. The gathering of information extends back to our ancient ancestors, and that collective wisdom forms the basis of most cultures. We must have access to all the necessary information before we can guarantee our effectiveness in addressing problems. If the required information has been misconstrued or manipulated before its dissemination, or withheld altogether - the result will inevitably be mass ignorance and confusion! Does this sound familiar?

 The core problem exacerbating the lack of information is that we inadvertently overlook or misinterpret the information we already possess. We fail to see critical points and details to develop a true understanding of a situation. This lack of acuity further diminishes our ability to build on existing information. Perceptual oversight prevents us from finding answers to our challenges, or potentials.

 We need to establish a Universal means of discovering any oversights and shortcomings. We must also be able to determine the impact these discrepancies have on our lives. It becomes essential that we start by examining our approach to life and habits in daily tasks. In every moment of our lives, we need to be able to meet the demands of the world. In so doing, we are either:

  • habitually reacting - according to our conditioning, programming, acquired knowledge, and compensations, relative to who we think we are and what we perceive is happening

  • consciously and deliberately responding - according to who we truly are and appropriate to the true nature of what is happening

Our response in each moment of Life is either appropriate or inappropriate. Most of what we do on a daily basis is habitual reaction. The trouble is that our ways of dealing with problems become habitual as well. Even when we genuinely seek answers to the challenges we face - be it to find a solution to an issue or a way to maintain balance - we often cannot break out of our negative habits long enough to find the positive alternatives. For example: not being able to slow down and chew our food properly.

 You need to be aware of how and where you may be missing the point. Whenever we all inadvertently miss the same points, we collectively feed the very problems we are trying to stop. So before we can remedy any situation, we need to make sure that we all have the same approach and fully removed the danger of someone missing something.

 Having the same approach will also remove any chance of conflict and confusion within or between us. If we don’t have the same approach or understanding, we will continually have to backtrack to pick up the last person. This means we can only move forward relative to the last person’s awareness. However, when the majority is unaware, we end up living as the world is today - destructively.

 People only seem to seek a higher understanding when they become lost and confused while trying to deal with the issues they are facing. The problem is that their intentions are only focused on getting rid of their problems, so they can keep doing what they are doing. They seek out people who can give them the information required to fix the problem, instead of finding the sources of inspiration to instil the overall answer. Therefore, whatever information they acquire or whatever they do will not be effective in healing or creating Peace. This is because Peace is only possible by consciously returning to and remaining in our Natural state.

 Most of the information communicated today is in an effort to help others or ourselves progress in the world - or to secure or assert our place in the world. It is mostly shared with good intentions, however, I have a saying,

 “We are NOT here to ‘help’ each other find solutions to our problems;
we are here to serve each other in living the innate Truth.”

My eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. focuses on establishing a simple perspective and approach that is Universal, regardless of race, culture and religion. If you would like to know more, click on the link below and purchase your copy now.

 Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

THE LAW OF SYNERGY: The most important factor in nature

Nature uses very subtle, but immensely powerful Laws in its expression. The explosion that comes from splitting an atom in a nuclear blast is an awesome display of the latent power contained within it. Everything in Nature has cycles, rhythms and patterns, which keeps the whole flow of Life in balance. However, the use of synergy in Nature enables things to grow.

 Synergy occurs when the sum total of all parts is greater than the individual parts, or the output is greater than the input. This is observable in every aspect of life - e.g. Doubling the thickness of a rope may increase its strength by four times; two elephants can pull three times more weight than one; all the colours of a rainbow combine to make white Light; mixing primary colours to make new colours.

 The examples above are what I call a ‘Positive Synergy’, which creates forces that are beneficial to life. There is also ‘Negative Synergy’, which is where multiple energies are reversed, creating destructive forces, which can manifest in your life internally, externally or both. For example:

  • A person eating food that has been: genetically modified; imported from the opposite hemisphere (where the Earth’s magnetic field is reversed); irradiated; processed; refined; fortified; reconstituted; cooked; wrapped in plastic; frozen and then reheated in a microwave oven. They may eat this, followed by chocolate ice-cream; while watching violence on television; be smoking drugs and drinking alcohol, as well as arguing in bad company - late at night! - This is the extreme opposite to how indigenous people eat and share food.

 It appears that the dominant force in the world today is Negative Synergy. The more this occurs in life, the more people are unable to see the True Nature of anything! The further we go away from Nature, the more the world becomes toxic - and we become increasingly blind to it, literally!

 Everything in spirituality, science, mathematics, nature, music and the Arts share the same Laws of Creation. Every Law can be represented by: a spiritual passage, a scientific formula, a mathematical equation, a symbol in Nature, a musical note, and a posture or stance and movement in the Arts. Therefore, every sentence in this book ultimately has an equivalent mathematical equation, musical tune, scientific equation etc. However, mathematics is the true language of the Universe.

 Many people reading this may roll their eyes at the idea of maths playing such a big role in the Universe. But if they can overcome the aversion acquired in their ‘education’, they will see the truly magnificent nature and beauty of mathematics. We can all gain so much empowerment by understanding mathematics – especially the nature of synergy. Therefore, it is essential to realise,


 This cannot be overstated! This is an incredibly powerful thing to know. Once you understand the practical application of the Natural Law of Synergy, you will be able to be effective at maintaining growth and development in every aspect of your life. However, the key point is knowing exactly how to create true change.

 Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to fully understand how to apply synergy to your life, read my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. Click on the link below to purchase your copy.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

INTUITIONS: Exactly what are they and how do they work?

 This is one of my favourite topics to share, because knowing how to consciously maintain a connection to our intuition is essentially the starting point for all healing and personal development. Intuitions are mostly overlooked as a phenomenon, but they are actually part of a natural process within our lives. I will share with you an excerpt from my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world, which reveals the first stage to this process.

 What are intuitions?

 Most people experience intuitions as a fleeting feeling that something is about to happen. It is widely accepted in many societies, often referred to as ‘the sixth sense’, ‘women’s intuition’ or ‘a mother’s intuition’. Intuitions vary from warnings of a particular danger, to clues that guide someone towards success. In the moment of the intuition, a person may feel a heightened sense of alertness or some degree of apprehension.

 Intuitions appear to pop up at random in our lives, and are all too often ignored due to being too busy or rushed. People often say in frustration and regret, “I wish I’d listened to myself!”, or “I knew I should have followed my gut feeling!” Many people are quick to describe themselves as being ‘intuitive’. They are often keen to relate experiences, or pride themselves on their past success. However, when asked if they know exactly what intuitions are, they admit to having no idea. Before I can explain the answer, I must first reveal how they work.

 How do intuitions work?

 It would be almost impossible to find someone who has never had some form of precognition - like an intuition, a feeling of guidance, or a premonition. Therefore, if nearly everyone is having intuitions, why is it that not one single person, anywhere, has been able to tell me EXACTLY how and why they work?

 The next important question is: If we can have these experiences momentarily, is it possible to consciously connect with them permanently? If so, then we must be able to make it a permanent state. We just need to be aware of the exact factors and state required to create the experience. The mechanisms that enable us to consciously align and connect with that state seem to have been suppressed, withheld, or simply not known or clearly understood. Until now!

 Despite many people’s beliefs, it is possible to maintain a conscious connection to your intuitions. They can easily become a conscious and deliberate experience, and permanent part of your reality. They are in fact a natural function of our mind, so there is no need for any mystery or confusion. We can now break down and explore the dynamics of EXACTLY how they happen.

 The best example I can give of how intuitions work is one that I am all too familiar with, and one that many others have experienced. Imagine you are speeding in a car and you have an intuition to slow down because there may be a speed camera ahead. So you listen to yourself and slow down. Sure enough, the police are just around the corner. You immediately breathe a huge sigh of relief and think, “Thank God I listened to myself!” Examples like this often occur in our lives, but how do we make them a permanent experience? It is easy once you understand exactly how they work.

 In the example of speeding in a car, in the moment where you see the police, a part of your consciousness sends information back through time to your past self, and alerts you with the knowledge of exactly:

  • What to do - “Slow down!”

  • When - “Right now!”

  • Why - “Because there is a speed trap!”

 This means you have the opportunity to receive intuitions from your future self, as well as send them back to your past self, in every moment of your life. Many people can easily accept this as an explanation, but we must be able to answer one important question before we can deliberately use our intuition.

 What exactly is it that opens the channels of communication, and fuels the transmission of the information between your past, present and future self?

 In the moment you realised you avoided being caught by the speed trap, the deep sense of gratitude opened up the pathways of communication and fuelled the flow of information between your past, present and future self. The intensity of the gratitude determines the strength of your intuitions.

 The Components of Information (What, When, How, Where, Why and Who) contained within the intuition are determined by the exact details of the situation you are observing at the moment you feel the gratitude. In the example above, you sent the image of the speed trap you saw back to your past self. The image contained information revealing what was coming and where it was. Because you were driving along in a state of gratitude, your energies were open to receiving the image. When it came into your mind, you sensed it was very close and felt the urgency, so you responded immediately by slowing down. Then in the moment you drove through the speed trap, the image was confirmed and the sense of gratitude arose, completing the feedback loop.

 Here is another example to highlight what governs The Components of Information within an intuition.

If you forgot you left a stove turned on, you may suddenly get a picture in your mind. You see your hand turning off a nob on the stovetop next to a glowing indicator light. You decide to check the stove and discover you left an element turned on under a pot. You feel a strong sense of gratitude as you quickly turn it off. In the moment of seeing your hand turning off the nob next to the light, your present self sends back the urgent information:

  • Where to go - the stove

  • When - immediately!

  • Why - you left the element on

    The intense feeling of gratitude and the affirmation of the details ensures that the messages you send back are strong and clear. Your past self can receive them without any doubts.

The clarity and intensity of an intuition increases relative to the number of things that are appreciated during and after the event. The degree and frequency of appreciation for the positive outcome, having avoided loss or experienced gain, has a compounding effect - so each time there is a sense of gratitude, the intensity and clarity of the details within the information sent in the original intuition amplifies.

 Your thought streams can potentially be a continual flow of intuitions. You can be sending and receiving them to and from all different points within your timeline. You can get an intuition from just moments ahead or many years ahead. At the same time, you can send an intuition back to anytime in your past. You can also communicate with your Self in other ‘lifetimes’, as well as your future and higher Self within other dimensions and worlds.

 Intuitions can occur at any time, and for any reason. They are a natural means of communication within you, to guide and heal yourself, and others. In a time of crisis, people often have an inner voice or knowing that they will somehow get through the ordeal. This sense is often your future self, sending you back the needed strength and guidance. A great example of this is the legendary story of mountaineer Joe Simpson surviving a climbing accident in the Peruvian Andes. In his book and documentary film, ‘Touching the Void’, he tells of the insistent voice within him that drove him on through the most extreme of circumstances and environments. Each time he relates his story, it compounds the appreciation, strengthening the original intuitive experience.

 People often think it is impossible to keep the mind focused on the intuitive process, but it is very easy once you understand how to do it. Staying connected with your intuition is not much different to having a song stuck in your head all day. It is in fact, the very same part of the mind, except you consciously use it in the way it is meant to be used - being guided by your future of higher Self.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to fully understand The Intuitive Process, read my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

SUFFERING OR INSPIRATION: What feeds your convictions?

This post is an excerpt from my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world.

I once asked my Enlightened Taoist Tai Chi Grandmaster, “How do you maintain a sense of Peace while living in the world?”

His reply was profoundly simple, “By having decided to do so!”

He then said, “You may feel you understand what I meant by saying that, but I will explain it in a way that you will be consciously aware - in order to transmit the Truth to others.” He went on to explain that people will only come to the point of making the decision ‘to do so’, through either SUFFERING OR INSPIRATION. You will only develop the conviction to remain at Peace having either:

•         suffered enough through the consequences of inappropriate actions
•         been Inspired enough to realise the True Nature of all things

He said, because we are living so far removed from Nature, and there are no living examples of Truth and Inspiration in our lives, it only leaves suffering as our means of conviction. He went on to explain how ALL suffering comes from just 3 things:


The instant that you compromise, contradict or deny, you and all those around you, will suffer! The moment you make the decision to never compromise, contradict or deny ever again - irrespective of what the world does to you - you will remain at Peace!

Peace is the Freedom that comes from being beyond ALL doubt, judgment and question! You must be free of all doubt within yourself, all judgment of others, and all need to question the Divine. Regardless of what you face in life, you must never give into anyone forcing you to do anything that conflicts with your inner Truth. Until you have reached that point of conviction, you will never maintain the sense of Peace! The ultimate Truth is: You are at Peace, or you are not. If not, then you have compromised, contradicted or denied the Truth.

It is essential to realise that knowing how to avoid all the causes of suffering doesn’t mean you know how to remain empowered with Inspiration. So we need to word this in a way that affirms the natural empowered state. You need to:


- at all times... without exception, exclusions or excuses!

It seems humanity mostly arrives at the point of conviction through suffering. ALL the compromise, contradiction and denial is due to not being connected to Truth, through conscious access to the sources of Inspiration. To learn how to consciously access Inspiration, read THE NATURE OF LIFE, which is available for purchase at the link below.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

THE DOMINANT FORCE: Which way will your life go?


In my book THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world, I present all The Laws of Health, Fitness, Wellbeing, and Healing. One of the key Laws of Healing is: THE DOMINANT FORCE WILL ALWAYS WIN.

The dominant force in your life will determine everything within your reality. It can be from any internal or external source, visible or invisible, know or unknown. It doesn’t have to be the biggest factor, or have the most mass or momentum - it simply needs to be applied in the right way and at the correct intensity. One of my favourite sayings is: “It only takes a small pin to pop a big balloon”. When we relate this to everyday situations, we can appreciate how a person in an abusive relationship may have everything going for them, but the emotional toll can destroy their whole life.

Because most people are not aware of this Law, the steps they take to heal or improve their health, fitness or wellbeing, are often negated by other discrepancies they haven’t even considered. For example: you may not know that the building next to your home is blasting your bedroom with harmful electromagnetic radiation. You may be oblivious to microwaves that could cause you to develop cancer. This may be despite the fact that you have a totally clean, healthy lifestyle, eat as organic as you can, and stay fit and strong. In the end, the radiation exposure could be the factor that determines your fate.

People struggle to realise that the dominant force can be extremely subtle. The reason why this is so rarely understood is our level of sensitivity has greatly decreased. Some examples are how fibreglass workers are unable to smell the chemicals they use every day, and how smokers are oblivious to the impact they have on others. Alternatively, the dominant force can mean that we are hypersensitive, like a child dying from a trace of peanuts, or a simple frown from someone on Monday morning ruining a person’s whole week.

Most of us live and work in a compromised environment, and have company that is contrary to our needs. For example, we can be exposed hundreds of toxic fragrances every day. Brilliant documentaries like STINK! (click to go to website) are bringing to light the magnitude of the problem, which most of humanity is yet to recognise. At the same time, knowing the Truth and not being able to do much about it often weighs heavily on our health and sense of wellbeing.

As a race, we need to develop a common understanding of the true nature of life. Then we can all be on the same page, and generate sufficient ‘force’ within our collective effort to change and grow together. Without a common truth and purpose, we will continue to disintegrate as a race. But the ever-present Truth is pure and simple, and so always offers us the natural path of least resistance.

The reason I wrote THE NATURE OF LIFE was to help everyone realise ALL the factors that influence their life. It is designed to create awareness around the infinite number of influences that are either beneficial or detrimental to each and every individual. Once we are aware of all the factors that influence our reality, we can make conscious choices regarding everything we expose ourselves to. This not only serves us to live our true potential, but it gives us the ability to empower others with the same knowledge.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to understand all the factors influencing your life, I encourage you to read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. Click on the link below to purchase your copy of the eBook now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

SHARING VS TELLING: How do you communicate?

We are living in a world that is rapidly becoming full of information. There is an ever-increasingly number of people whose realities depend on the speed, accuracy and efficiency of communicating information. Access to information often determines our standard of living, the quality of our lives, and even many people’s survival.

In this information age, it seems nearly everyone has something to say about almost everything. Technology and its continual advances are making it easier and faster for us to communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world. However, many of the ways by which we communicate today don’t enable us to clearly communicate our real intentions and purpose.

We also need to remember that our forms of communicating information are nearly all based on the use and interpretation of words. What is even more important to realise is that we are often communicating with people we have never met, and are unlikely to ever meet. Dealing with this exact situation is what inspired this post.

After more than 30 years studying and researching natural health, healing, psychology, spirituality, philosophy, religion etc. I have become a man of very, very few spoken words. My previous post on silence hints at my desire to have everything be made pure and simple enough that it all goes without saying. But recent conversations have highlighted a few main obstacles to having silence become mankind’s default reality.

I recently had a conversation where it became necessary to make a clear distinction between ‘sharing the Truth’ and ‘telling the truth’. We must be very clear on whether we are sharing or telling, and whether those we are engaging with are capable of receiving what we share for what it is.

Sharing is based on the all-encompassing and all-embracing Truth. It is in celebration of all that we are and in honour of all that is. It radiates from the core of our Being as inspiration and compassion. Conversely, telling the truth is based on expressing opinions derived from unsubstantiated beliefs. Beliefs are not based on a direct conscious connection with the Laws, Dynamics and Processes that govern our reality. Instead they are based on interpretations of the theories and philosophies to which we subscribe.

In my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world, I share what I call ‘The Conditions of Unconditional Sharing’. They spell out the mutually accepted codes by which we can communicate and share. The state of our world today is in complete contrast to these codes, hence the burgeoning level of conflict and confusion in society.

When we analyse all the information being communicated, we can see that the vast majority of it is of little or no consequence to the quality of our lives. On top of that, all the technology used to communicate information is no more essential to our survival than it was for our ancestors 200 years ago. In saying that, everything has its rightful place in our evolution, but when you look at the way many people communicate with each other these days, it is obvious humanity is regressing at an enormous rate.

This regression stems from our apparent incessant need to tell others our opinions. This is usually based on the dualistic and moralistic beliefs of the culture we are raised in. It seems that most of humanity’s attitude and behaviour are not free of some form of pride and prejudice. This is ironic, because regardless of how you look at it, we are all of the same origins and dependent on the very same factors to survive and thrive. This translates to us all being equal, which is the core Truth that needs to be honoured in order for any kind of sharing to take place.

Openly sharing your Truth in a world full of bias can turn the contents of what you share into a topic of hot debate, whether you like it or not. It is astounding how quick people are to comment on a contentious issue posted on social media. Most people find the need to judge or criticise another’s Truth, or truth, by telling their truth with a degree of righteousness and aggression. The common problem is that they have never met the person and are never likely to do so, so they have no real way of understanding their true intentions and reasoning.

The fact remains that we all communicate our truth relative to our points of view. The challenge we face is to be able to openly discuss any topic with everyone without any fear of reprisal. The only way this can be achieved is if everybody involved is able to consciously communicate their Truth from stillness, emptiness and silence. All the conflict and confusion in the world today will end as soon as everyone learns to honour The Conditions of Unconditional Sharing.

Despite your best efforts, people may take offence to what you share. Many are locked into a false reality where they are rebelling against some element of their life. They have a deep aversion to anyone telling them what to do, or how to think etc. Therefore, they are not open to correction at all. They may also misinterpret any expression of purity as an attempt to make yourself superior, or imply that they are in some way inferior. Hence the need to remain silent unless directly asked to share by someone who is genuinely open.

The answer appears to be minding your own business and living your life to the fullest. In so doing, you may become a living example and be a source of inspiration for others. When you do this, you answer the questions that others didn’t even know they had. The essence of your Being-ness, automatically embodies the purest form of sharing. Within this state, we can all be at Peace.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to understand how to consciously communicate and share freely, read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. Click on the link below to purchase your copy of the eBook now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

SILENCE: When it all goes without saying

In my book THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world, I define The Conscious and Dualistic States. I share how The Conscious State is based on The Conscious Experience, which is being able to consciously maintain internal and external stillness, emptiness and silence. The Conscious Expression is therefore a natural flow within this true experience.

Real silence is not just the absence of noise or talking. It is the natural outcome of internal and external stillness and emptiness. Keep in mind that stillness is a point within and beyond time, and emptiness is a point within and beyond space. Therefore, experiencing the depths of silence reflects a transcendent state, beyond mind and ego.

Silence is the result of being in the natural state of Grace. Once you are able to maintain this state, the Truth is self-evident, indisputable and undeniable. You are able to fully realise the fact that not only does everything go without saying, but nothing you say (or do) is actually going to make any difference in anyone’s life.

When those around you are not in a state of Grace, nothing you say or do is actually going to be interpreted Truthfully. The momentum of their false reality prevents them from being able to stop, therefore finding stillness is impossible. The silence required for them to hear the Truth within your sharing is not within their paradigm. The chance of conflict and confusion arising within communication and sharing increases in proportion to the degree to which the most unintegrated person lacks stillness, emptiness and silence.

When you communicate with others experiencing true silence, your expressions are received as you sharing your Truth, not voicing an opinion based on a dualistic state. All communication can be in celebration of The 12 Divine Elements at work within The 6 Elements of Consciousness. True communication is free of all rivalry and competition. Nothing is taken personally or seriously. All differences are embraced as a manifestation of the diversity within consciousness.

As within everything in The Nature of Life, the all or nothing Laws apply to silence. Once aware of all the factors that determine The Conscious State, it becomes immediately obvious whether you or anyone else is anchored in the Truth or not.

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you want to understand how to experience the depths of silence, I encourage you to read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world.. Click on the link below to purchase your copy of the eBook.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

PURITY, CREATIVITY AND SELFLESSNESS: How to find your creative genius

Purity essentially means the absence of selfishness, or the “What’s in it for me” attitude. Purity means you are not seeking to create an impression on anyone to gain approval, or wanting anything in return for your actions. Very few people realise that the only way to stay pure is to consciously maintain synergy within Nature, Soul and Food. This ensures you remain in a creative flow within your own reality. Being creative aligns and connects you with the pure essence of your being and life itself.

If an individual is not immersed in their own creativity, there will be a lack of purity. This by nature causes a destructive element in their thoughts, words and deeds. Instead of being empty and instrumental to the Divine creative flow, they are full of doubts, judgments and questions. The focus of their attention will drift outwardly, and fix itself on the apparent flaws within other’s reality, personality or character.

When immersed in your own creative genius, you are free of all outward going thoughts. There is no room whatsoever for getting caught up in the world. Least of all for sticking your nose into other people’s business. You are not the slightest bit concerned about other people’s attitudes and behaviours. Therefore, your creative flow is actually in proportion to how much you have learnt to mind your own business, and able to stay saturated with the experience of beauty, goodness and freedom.

Ultimately, the most selfless thing you can do is immerse yourself in your own creativity. This is the only way you can ever achieve your true potential. Until you have fulfilled your potential, you will not be able to carry out the roles necessary to fulfil your purpose.

In a sense, humanity needs you to get your act together and share your highest and purest Truth with everyone. This is all the Universe is asking of you. Just this one thing:
Be true to yourself and get on with living and sharing everything you have been created to be.

The only way you can share it is if you are already living it wholly and solely yourself. If you don’t have the courage to follow your dreams and inspirations, then this alternative paradigm simply won’t ever reveal itself to you.

Essentially, the experience of pure creative expression is the ultimate fun we can have. If we consider that the meaning of life is to have fun, and the purpose of life is to share the fun with as many people as possible - it stands to reason that if you are not having fun doing the things you truly Love, then your life will lack meaning and purpose.

The ultimate Truth is, and always will be, Pure and simple.

Don’t you just Love it?!

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)


If you want to find your true creative genius, you can purchase my eBook THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world. by clicking the link below.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.


What people are telling us


"I have been using THE NATURE OF LIFE book and The Universal Kinetics, and I am surprised at the results. It's accuracy is perfect because the language is complete. I am still learning to work with this tool and I’m very excited. I love The 12 Aspects chart and its purpose being to provide a totally wholistic approach."
Joy, Gold Coast, Australia.   


"I use the foundation of information section to help me with my studies. It is gives me a clear understanding about what I know and don't know about a certain topic."
K T, Melbourne, Australia


"Although I am a massage therapist, sometimes I feel like a counselor. THE NATURE OF LIFE has helped me understand the human condition, so that I am able to relate to anyone who walks into my massage room. Overall, it has deepened my sense of compassion for people and made me a much better therapist ."
Christie, NSW


"I LOVE this book! I use it to better understand my childrens' needs."
Kate Murphy


"I had been searching for a long time through the internet and piles of books about spirituality and truths but nothing felt quite right. I got rid of all my books when I found THE NATURE OF LIFE."
M T, Australia


"I love to dive deep into spirituality and have a natural curiosity about life and its meaning. This book really expanded my views of life, my heart and mind, I can't say I am the same person after reading it."  
S P,  Australia


"When I have a creative block I use The 21 Keys to Inspiration chart. This chart is one of my favourites! It helps me consciously connect to the element of nature or life I need to stay balanced and never fails to restore my creative flow. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you Brian :D"

K K, India


"Thank you for your dedication and ongoing work in health, for the good for all. Your book THE NATURE OF LIFE and profound insights have helped me in ways I didn't realize at the time.

Your sessions in Universal Kinetics are like no other. Since moving to another state, I have been unable to find any other teacher who has taught me the profound insights you share, or experienced a session of kinesiology like yours.

As a society, the more we are informed of the challenges and increasing difficulties of the state of health of humanity - mentally, physically and emotionally - with hospital overloads, overworked staff, the increase in mental illness, the foods we eat... all this and more, your "All or Nothing" attitude to Life is the only way we are able to help ourselves and others. Your teachings show us how we can do this and where to start!

Thank you for sharing so much of yourself, it has helped me a great deal!
I look forward to your next visit to Melbourne.

With Gratitude.
Natalina xo"

Thank you Natalina.
Brian :)


"From my own experience this was very helpful and it's a wonderful ongoing voyage. My earlier experiences in life kept telling me to grow inside and there seemed so many pressures and so little time. But by focusing on growing its greatly continues to help, also to feel more connected and the success this brings.

For my work, as founding a technical company, it is as team with these understandings that we are achieving the successes we never dreamed of. It's wonderful to be part of a meaningful enlightenment, caring and sharing team. Today when we look for new team members to join us we especially value these understandings and so wish to help."
Tom T


"Coming across the seminars and workshops offered by Brian has been an absolute blessing to me.  It was the first stepping-stone to change direction and start heading to a happier, healthier life.  Experiencing depression at the time, the clinical treatments were an absolute necessity to start putting my whole being back into balance. 

Brian’s work is a constant reference back to what is our natural state and potential as human beings.  Feeling the difference from before to now is just wonderful. It is a continuous work in progress and now having the ‘THE NATURE OF LIFE’ eBook in my hand keeps me on my path. It is flowing into my parenting as well as into my work as a driving instructor. It truly is a guiding force for me in all areas of life.

Thank you Brian for sharing your life’s work with the world.
So grateful."

Erika – Ocean Grove, VIC


"Thanks to Brian I was able to hone in on unidentifiable causes of asthma. Thanks to his kinesiology I'm able to improve my breathing with diet."
Greg T


These are just a handful of the testimonials we have received about
THE NATURE OF LIFE and Brian's work within Spectrom,
and we are happy to hear such positive results. 

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