Group 3

HOW TO COMMUNICATE WITH SOMEONE WHO IS CRAZY: A different perspective and approach to resolving conflict

This blog is specifically for those who understand The Nature of Life material, or those genuinely seeking to explore another perspective and approach to the many problems within how we communicate. Those who understand The Whole-In-One material may appreciate it even more.

As you know, I am very exact with defining everything in share, and today's topic definitely includes some exactness. Those who lack the relative Intelligences often interpret what I share as being very intellectual. Therefore, I am not sharing this with anyone who cannot take it relation to my overall work.

I am going to share some points relating to communicating with people who are in The  Human Condition, but don't know they are - and instead think they are aware. In yesterday's chat with the Ngangkari, they asked me to explain how we can determine whether someone is aware or not, and how to communicate with them relative to where they are at on The Scale of Knowledge. They said I need to learn how to talk to someone even though they may be completely crazy and delusional.

Interpersonal Intelligence is one of my weaker areas, so dealing with people in the Human Condition is definitely not something I have even been interested in learning. However, given recent encounters and the fact that the clotshots are going to cause more and more people to collapse into The Human Condition - and there will be less and less people capable of communicating with me for where I am at -  I thought it best to consider learning how to accommodate people in all dualistic states of mind.

The Ngangkari put everything into context, so I will share with you exactly what they told me - so far. They started by explaining how being Aware of The Truth means having a conscious connection to the holographic 12 Divine Elements at work within the holographic 6 Elements of Consciousness.

An individual's Level of Awareness is directly in proportion to their conscious connection to The Universal Principles within and between all 6 Elements of Consciousness. The more one is connected to the Laws, Dynamics and Processes within and between all of the 4 Components of Being, the higher the Level of Awareness.

The more one is connected to the holographic nature of The Universal Principles, the deeper the Awareness is within and between all Components of Being. The full depth of the Awareness is a conscious connection to all Divine, Universal and Natural Laws at work within and between all Dynamics and Processes. This Awareness translates into being connected to the holographic Universal Principles at work within and between ALL 6 Elements of Life. The State of Pure Awareness is when all 18 Elements of Conscious Awareness have developed and integrated on all 9 Levels of Being.

So, that is the theory. Now for the practical.

Anyone who is genuinely seeking The Truth is consciously or unconsciously seeking connection to the Universal Principles. Anyone authentically seeking the Truth will be consciously or unconsciously seeking the inner connections first.

So the question is, how do we determine where someone is truly at within themselves and Life?

Those who know The Whole-In-One material will know how to determine this, however, we need to be able to communicate that back to the people we connect with in a way they are willing to honour. So how do we do that relative to those deep in The Human Condition?

The answer is pretty simple - ask the right questions.

The most common trait in humanity these days is narcissism. What do narcissists like to do more than anything else? Talk about themselves and what they know and have done. Therefore, this is our point of entry into their delusional world. We simply ask them direct questions in relation to the Universal Principles - particularly the Laws governing things.

People with mental health issues and personality disorders are often too overwhelmed with emotion or too full of their own opinions to be willing to listen to anything we have to share. Therefore, we never need to tell them anything of what we know or are aware of, we simply keep asking questions and let them dig themselves into an intellectual hole.

We can even incorporate The Universal Method questions, but the key point is to not tell them anything unless they directly ask. If they do ask, request exact details of the point they are trying to understand. In so doing - and if it is not already obvious - you will determine where they are coming from and why according to The 12 Intentions Behind Asking a Question.

Then you ask more questions as you give them each snippet of an answer, which is relative to where they are coming from. So, you give a tiny bit of information, then ask if they agree or disagree. If they disagree, you ask what the exact Universal Principles are that support their opinion or belief. Then you challenge them by asking more questions regarding each opinion and belief.

The constant questioning challenges the Compensatory Pathways in a non-violent unintrusive way, because they still think you are asking out of a genuine interest in them and seeing it as an opportunity to divulge their knowledge and wisdom. Eventually, as Nature will have it, they will eventually reach the limits of their constructs and their compensations will start to fail and collapse like a cascade. When they get to this point, they have to admit they are at their limits through some form of acknowledgement, and this is when the conversation ends.

The idea is to arrive at this point without and resistance or opposition from them. Let them dig their own hole. The language you use the whole way through is acting like an NLP session and embeds seeds of Reference Points each step of the way. The purpose of this is to surreptitiously replace their vocabulary with one that will facilitate the redirection of their thought processes. This will start with their internal dialogue and then reflect in their external communications.

After the conversation, the seeds you planted will be so deep and undeniably present within their thoughts that they will eventually become the dominant force. We can do all this without any trace of conflict or confusion, and without having to spend the time and energy to master all the other communication techniques. When all you do is ask questions, which appears to be showing an interest in their personality and reality, then there are no grounds for them to be triggered. Once they arrive at their limits, it is then a matter of letting Nature take its course and watching their destiny unfold.

This is all relevant if you have the time, energy and resources required to accommodate such people and encounters. I personally have had my sword drawn ready to use. But like I said, that will probably have to change very soon - and not just for me. Hence, the introduction to the concept of still being able to communicate Truth with even those who are seemingly too far gone.

I am exploring literally everything to do with all the different mentalities and personalities as I research THE NATURE OF MIND material. The deeper I dive, the more I realise why THE NATURE OF LIFE went over most people's heads. The main factor is the conditioning and programming that limits the development and integration of natural pathways, which create The 81 Intelligences. This lack results in the inability to develop and integrate Reference Points of Truth, which limits people to the construction and amalgamation of Compensatory Associations, forming the basis of the 81 Intellectual Abilities.

The key point to communicating with dualistic people in the Human Condition is realising they don't know they are limited to duality. All the different personalities are the result of how the Compensatory Associations are indexed relative to their conditioning and programming, including all the abuse, neglect and trauma they have experienced.

The various factors that play out in the different personalities are too many to cover here and will be presented in the book, but the main one is the sense of being superior or inferior. Only people with Reference Points are capable of feeling equality, otherwise, there is always an underlying element of competition - be it the display of morals, intellects, virtues, philosophies. This is why such people do NOT know when to stop and are NOT able to identify the fact that what they are saying or doing is inappropriate or irrelevant to what Truth we may be seeking to share.

Encounters with people in The Human Condition often see them become extremely territorial regarding their apparent area of expertise. If they are triggered, they will narcissistically attack others’ opinions, unable to realise they have a completely different point of view, which is our perspective and approach to everything in our reality. Our realities are based on either The 18 Elements of Conscious Awareness or The 18 Elements of Ego Reality.

Remember, people without Reference Points cannot develop any awareness. So, this is the main question. What happens when this limitation occurs?

They can only ever construct bigger and bigger theories and deeper and deeper philosophies. This limitation to the Dualistic Paradigm sets the grounds for potentially unlimited conflict and confusion. The narcissists and psychopaths who thrive in society know there are no limits, which is why politicians and media keep extending their lies and constructing more and more things like fake news and false flag events. There is literally no end to which they will not go to enforce their agenda. A narcissist will continue trying to argue until they prove their point. If they can't win an argument with you, they turn it around as proof that they are superior, and accuse you of being the narcissist or the one with the issues.

As Richard Grannon suggests, if you want to expose a narcissist, just tell them - no. Their egos will explode with indignance and self-importance, so they are often not able to stop projecting their opinions and beliefs. In the past, I have often deliberately blown people off when I knew they were not authentic or genuine. I simply lacked the Interpersonal Intelligence to deal with them or was not interested in playing that role. I would either refer them on to someone else, blow them off or deliberately challenge them in a way that would end the encounter to spare myself the time and energy.

There is a component to philosophy I have lived by that says, "Sometimes, you just have to throw the dog a bone", and many other parables, teachings etc. that support being offhanded with those who are not truly on the Path of Purity and Peace. As expected, they would often explode into all kinds of attitudes and behaviours. And often, it was from just saying no or setting a boundary they were simply not capable of honouring (due to their neurological deficits).

But it was what they frequently did and said afterwards that always interested me, though I could never get my head and heart around. They would often go into endless tirades of abuse, and try to enlist others against me by slandering me. They would even go as far as publishing private email conversations to build their case against me in a desperate bid to further construct their intellectual superiority, raise their status on the hierarchical ladder within their field of expertise, or elevate their moral or 'spiritual' high ground.

It is important to remember that people in the dualistic state actually have no true sense of Love. They speak and act as if they do know and feel it, but truly speaking, it is only a degree of affection, dependency, empathy or sympathy. The lack of true Compassion or Love is why they are so easily triggered - it always goes back to their wants and needs, based on their priorities and reasonings - and not from a true sense of honour or in being of service to All.

I have never had the time or interest to explore the Universal Principles governing the dualistic states - until now! I was bombarded by encounters with some hostiles this week, which made me realise it is time to get to the bottom of this topic. The whole dilemma is, the more you try to debate or argue with a person with a massive ego - which is more or less a mental health issue or personality disorder - the deeper the hole you dig. This is fine if you know how to get out of it, or can just walk away unphased, but it doesn't serve to heal the other person - which at some point on the Ultimate Timeline must happen.

As you know, I always wanted to work on the Top-down component of the leading edge of humanity and not the Bottom-up component of the comet tail. But that has all had to change in the last few years, and now I am having to learn how to be nice to people instead of hitting them on the chin, or drawing my sword and shinging them.

Writing THE NATURE OF MIND has meant I am not just having to learn to talk nicely and accommodate people, I am having to unearth the root causes of their states and conditions. It is not something I ever imagined having to do as I always thought someone in the relative fields would apply the material to their own work and share it with humanity. However, it appears that role has been given to me, so I am approaching it in the only way I know how - wholistically and without leaving a single stone unturned. (And to be completely honest, it has been quite interesting so far. Not how I want to be spending my time, but it is OK. I would much prefer to be working on THE NATURE OF CONSCIOUSNESS material, which is much more interesting with all the maths, physics etc.)

The task that lies ahead is significant in magnitude - defining all the components within THE NATURE OF MIND as I have done in THE NATURE OF LIFE. In the last few days, I have been forced to develop ways of articulating the exact nature and intent of what I am developing. The biggest factor is being able to communicate exactly what I DON'T yet know. Without having the new model NATURE OF MIND Model completed, it has been a challenge to get my head and heart around where I am going with this topic, let alone explain it to anyone. But at this rate, I will have it all presentable soon enough. How long it will take for all the new material to go without saying is yet another thing.

I trust you enjoyed reading this info inspired by Beings on the other side of the veil. I know it certainly gave me hope in being able to deal with humanity for where it is at, and appears to be heading. The good news is that I am only just scratching the surface with this whole new perspective and approach. The Ngangkari clearly have a lot more to share on this topic and all others yet to come. Eventually, it will all go without saying, but until then, it is a case of taking it as it comes and doing the best we can to Love All, Serve All in each moment.

Love and Light to All

Brian Gerard Schaefer :)


 If you would like a new wholistic perspective and approach to life, or work in the alternative and natural health industry and are seeking the whole picture, I suggest you read my books - THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world, and INWARD BOUND: A collection of short stories capturing the heart of what it means to be human. Click on the link below to purchase your copies now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

THE NEW PARADIGM: How we live after the uprising - with Brian Gerard Schaefer


Today is the 21st of September 2021 and it has now been three weeks since the mass uprising and the citizen's arrests took place around the world. The reports that continue to flood in from all corners of the planet reveal just how quickly humanity has adapted to what can only be described as a new paradigm.

 Mr Brian Gerard Schaefer, the spokesman for what has become known as The Thrive-All Movement stated, "Seemingly against all odds, humanity has risen up to free itself of generations of suppression and oppression. Finally, enough people realised that living in a totalitarian 'smart society' under a Chinese-like social credit system, controlled by tyrants, would be a fate worse than death. They had no choice but to respond in the only way that would work - come together as One and participate in the mass citizen arrests. Fortunately, we have now averted 'The Great Reset' the old system wished to impose upon us, and we are well underway with the 'The Magnificent Restoration'."

 The last few weeks have seen many of the phenomenal technologies that were suppressed come to the surface. Many suppressed alternative medical treatments and natural cures have also been released and their effects have been immediate. The transition into the new paradigm and the resource-based economy has been totally seamless. The works of many of the world's most renowned thinkers and humanitarians, like Buckminster Fuller, Nicola Tesla, Foster Gamble, Jacque Fresco and Peter Joseph to name just a few, have been combined and implemented with truly stunning results.

The overall transformation of the world has been profound. The entire race has come together as a single community and acted flawlessly. We have witnessed a level of cooperation and collaboration sweep the planet that few could have ever imagined. Most of the celebrities and stars who joined in promoting the movement have led the way by promoting the different aid and recovery projects. They helped prepare their fans for the mass uprising. They have since directed their fans towards contributing to the massive outpouring of goodwill that has resulted in many of the aid and recovery projects already being completed.

 The celebrations that broke out around the world after the uprising on 31 August 2021 were cut short when most people realised the extent of the suffering in many areas of their own countries and abroad. The flood of goodwill to all the underprivileged that followed has seen a complete redistribution of the world's wealth and resources. Reports rolling in from the communities that received the aid tell of the gratefulness of the members, who have all now actively joined The Thrive-All Movement.

 Meanwhile, the depth and extent of systemic corruption and fraud have left many reeling in shock. Many have struggled to come to terms with the level of deceit and lies that lay within their governments and institutions. It has been especially difficult for children and adolescents to comprehend the truth of what has come out.

Most disturbing of all was many of those arrested confessed to being involved in horrific crimes as part of satanic cult rituals, which included human sacrifice and drinking blood. They also confessed to both human and sex trafficking, as well as other heinous acts like inflicting extreme torture on many of their victims.

 Most noted amongst those sentenced were the political, religious and business leaders and high-profile people from nearly all countries. The number of people charged with pedophilia has left most members of the public horrified and distressed. All forms of media are cooperating in bringing the truth forward and releasing the real numbers of victims, which have been proven to stem back many generations.

 All those arrested and charged pled guilty, which means many have already been sentenced. Nearly all those sentenced in countries where the death penalty applies received the death sentence, while most others received multiple life sentences. While every country has agreed to honour each individual country's chosen means of punishment, all countries conducting executions have decided to perform them all on the same day. This is to further mark their conscious and united effort to transform our world.

 The majority of the world's general population and professionals also had to deal with significant levels of embarrassment. This was expressed in their admissions to having known their governing systems and institutions were corrupt, but they continued to work within them for personal and professional gain. One expert in immunology came forward and admitted, "All health professionals knew the medical system was corrupt at its core, and the 'science' was biased due to financial and political interests. We all knew the pandemic was fake, but we didn't speak out - due to either the fear of losing our positions and being ostracised by our communities, or the desire for professional or financial gain."

 The countless professionals making such admissions greatly disturbed many of the unsuspecting population. However, their anger was dimmed by their own admissions to have known something wasn't right within their governments and intuitions. One person admitted, "We all knew something was wrong - it was obvious - but we either refused to accept it or just chose to ignore it. So, we really don't have anyone to blame but ourselves."

 The sentiment in most social media around the world has been remorse, where most people are openly admitting to having failed to act on what they knew was right. However, Mr Schaefer stated, "We don’t have time for any self-recrimination or remorse. There is no need for revenge or retribution. All such contracted mental states are only the residue of the old paradigm, which is now obsolete. Let's all move forward together, and consciously focus all of our time, energy and resources on expanding into the new paradigm, where we serve each other to thrive."

 The new representatives in every country around the world have pledged their allegiance to the complete restoration of local and global communities. They have not only agreed to cooperate with the restoration, but declared their absolute devotion to the fulfilment of all outcomes proposed by The Thrive-All Movement and The Universal Declaration of Independence and Sovereignty.

 Mr Schaefer welcomed this news, stating, "We all have an innate potential and a natural purpose, both of which have always been and always will be available to us. So, let's focus on the opportunities we now have, and share in the natural abundance this beautiful world offers each and every one of us. Let's truly celebrate this gift of life and share the Lives we have always dreamed of. Let's mark the 21st of September 2021 as the day we all chose to live with honour and devotion to ourselves and each other. What we have achieved together and now celebrate today will echo throughout all eternity, and on behalf of humanity, I express my deepest gratitude to everyone who made this moment possible. Let's now continue this movement until every last man, woman, and child on the planet is able to thrive."

 The applause that followed lasted for 15 minutes as each member of the gathering appreciated the enormity of what they had achieved and the magnitude of joy that filled each and everyone's heart.
We will continue to bring you all the latest updates from around the world. Until then, enjoy the new opportunities this new paradigm offers us all.

This is our future.
Our Ultimate Timeline awaits.
Let’s do whatever it takes to make it our reality.

If you would like to join the private Telegram group for THE THRIVE-ALL MOVEMENT, then send me a request on:

Love and Light
Brian Gerard Schaefer :) 

If you would like a new wholistic perspective and approach to life, or work in the alternative and natural health industry and are seeking the whole picture, I suggest you read my books - THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world, and INWARD BOUND: A collection of short stories capturing the heart of what it means to be human. Click on the link below to purchase your copies now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer Profile.jpg

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

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The entire world is celebrating today after an awakening that led to a massive uprising in almost every country on the planet. Millions of people around the world united to form a movement that conducted mass citizen arrests, which saw nearly all politicians, corporate delegates, media magnates, military officers, medical industry directors, and religious leaders incarcerated. Those arrested have been charged with a wide range of crimes, including treason and crimes against humanity.

The sudden awakening resulted in people all around the world coordinating the mass arrests on the same day. The arrests have forced all governments and corporate dealings around the world to be suspended until all those arrested have faced court in a new Nuremberg Trials.

This sudden shift in global power has left the unsuspecting public and professionals in all fields reeling in shock, as well as embarrassed. The majority of those who trusted and believed in the governments and scientists are now trying to grasp the depth and extent of the facts that have come to light. Until now, the truth had been hidden due to the level of secrecy amongst the world’s elite and their control of the media and education systems.

Those arrested include the heads of all banks and many of the world biggest organisations and companies, and nearly all members of the monarchies, and most stars and leaders in the entertainment industry. The members of the movement said their main focus was to bring people like Dr Anthony Fauci, Klaus Schwab, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill and Melinda Gates to justice. All previous leaders of most countries were also arrested as the investigations into their affairs continue.

A spokesperson for the international movement, Brian Gerard Schaefer made the following statement, “I am very pleased to announce the success of our movement. It has taken the courage and devotion of all the freedom-loving people around the world to pull off the greatest victories in the history of humankind.

As a result of the mass arrests, we can now officially declare an end to all the injustices that have plagued humanity, and the end of the tyranny that sought to enslave our race. The greatest news of all I can share with you today is that we can now declare the end of the following:

  • all taxes

  • all 5G and harmful EMF technology

  • all military actions and spending

  • all weather modification, including chemtrails and HAARP

  • all forms of privacy invasion

  • all government and private surveillance technology

  • all existing banking and finance systems including the World Bank, IMF and all Federal Reserve Banks

  • all private prisons and false imprisonment

  • all monarchs

  • all personal and national debt

  • all human trafficking

  • all child labour

  • all man-made chemicals until they are proven to be safe for the environment and humanity

  • all nuclear power

  • all nuclear, chemical and biological weapons

  • all medicines including vaccines that are not proven to be 100% safe

 Furthermore, we are delighted to announce that we are now able to:

  •  Lift all bans on natural medicines and alternative treatments

  • release all hidden and suppressed medicines and treatments

  • ensure our individual right to choose our medical treatments

  • restructure the entire education system and make it free for all

  • honour all inalienable rights

  • uphold personal and national sovereignty 

  • rewrite national constitutions

  • protect and restore as many natural habitats and reserves as possible

  • protect and preserve indigenous cultures

  • release all recycling technology

  • decriminalise all drugs

  • lift all bans on hemp growth and materials

  • replace the entire monetary system

  • Release all free energy technology

 and much, much more!”

The most surprising fact in this report is that all those arrested have pled guilty to all charges. This was due to the overwhelming evidence from all the insiders and whistle-blowers that came forward. However, early reports have revealed that most people working in the governments and big businesses around the world were mostly ignorant of the crimes being committed by those at the top.

The biggest shock of all was all the scientists and governments officials overseeing the pandemic have admitted the entire crisis was a fraud. They have confessed to faking the outbreak to force everyone into receiving deadly vaccines, which was part of their eugenics program to depopulate the world. This program was part of their agenda to implement their New World Order, which included: a one world government, a cashless society, total surveillance and monitoring, and a social credit system.

The heads of the new Nuremberg Trials have said their guilty pleas mean that justice can now be served very swiftly. They ask that everyone to be patient as the evidence is revealed and the appropriate charges are laid. They also suggest that many people may need ongoing support as once the full extent of the crimes are revealed, many will likely be deeply disturbed.

One stunned member of the public sobbed as she told us, “Nearly everything I deemed a conspiracy theory has now been shown to not only be real, but the basis of ALL the world’s problems. I have been absolutely shocked to my core learning the degree to which the elite has misled humanity. But I am very grateful that everyone in the movement was prepared to do whatever it took to free all of us!”

The members of the movement have declared, “We are now all independent and sovereign Beings, bound by the Natural Laws as written in The Universal Declaration of Independence and Sovereignty.

We are eternally free and able to live in Peace, knowing that humanity can never descend to the depths of hell that have plagued humanity throughout history. We can now all join in sharing the magnificent future that awaits us.”

When asked about the inspiration behind the movement, which caused the wave of action to sweep around the world, Mr Schaefer stated, “It was simply the deep Love for our fellowman. We acted as One in service of every man, woman and child on Earth, regardless of race, culture or religion. Our Love for each other was the dominant force, and everyone knows that there is no power greater than Love. Therefore, our success was always inevitable. It only took everyone in all the different groups and communities to share The Universal Declaration of Independence and Sovereignty with everybody they knew. This got everyone on the same page and this shift in focus is what tipped everything in our favour. When everyone who joined the movement wore white wrist bands, it reflected the true number of people who were awake enough to act. Then the movement exploded around the world and everyone got on board with the mass arrests.”

Mr Schaefer concluded by saying, “On behalf of humanity, I want to thank everyone involved in the movement. Your level of dedication has surpassed anything the world has ever known. Your level of honour and compassion is what gave you the strength to succeed. You have secured the inalienable rights of every Being on Earth, and liberated humanity for all eternity. For this, I again thank you, and congratulate you all for your exemplary action.

I am so proud to be a member of the human race today. From this day forward, yesterday, the 31st of August 2021 will go down in history as the day humanity freed itself, forever. And now, we can all celebrate this monumental victory together as One Race.”

This was met with deafening cheers that must have been heard in the next galaxy. The celebrations are expected to last until the 21st of September, where the full moon falls on the equinox making it an auspicious day.

All journalists across all platforms have now agreed to cooperate in the uncovering and reporting of the crimes of those arrested. Mr Schaefer said, “The level of integrity being shown by the media is welcomed turnaround, away from all the propaganda, fear-mongering and fake news. We are all very pleased that the news is no longer going to be breaking people!”

We will be bringing you more updates and the latest developments regarding the new Nuremberg Trials as they unfold. Until then, enjoy your new Life and let’s party like its 1999.


This is our future.
It is time for you to contribute in every way you can to make it happen.
If you are awake and want to join the movement, make a comment below and share this blog across all social media platforms.
Make and wear a white wristband and post photos of it on your social media to show you are prepared to do whatever it takes, so that others will follow.
Our ultimate timeline starts now.

Love and Light
Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

If you would like a new wholistic perspective and approach to life, or work in the alternative and natural health industry and are seeking the whole picture, I suggest you read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world and learn how to maximise your ability to serve others. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer Profile.jpg

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

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LIBERATE HUMANITY: Will you do whatever it takes?


If you are reading this, it is a sign that you are awake and open enough to learn how to contribute to a change on planet Earth. The time has in fact come for each and every one of us to choose the course of humanity. What you as an individual decide to do, from this very moment onwards, is going to directly determine which reality manifests - utopia or dystopia. We can and must collectively choose a new timeline, which doesn’t just free us, but liberates us.

This blog will explain exactly what it is going to take for humanity to break free of the enslavement by the global elite - once and for all. This is a follow-up from a blog I did nearly a year ago - Draw Your Sword: things are about to get real. I had a strong sense of urgency to alert everyone to the world events that have since unfolded and resulted in our current situation. I proposed that all conscious people come together and work towards the creation of a new paradigm to avert such a scenario.

In the blog, I asked everyone to imagine if every: herbalist, naturopath, massage therapist, acupuncturist, reiki practitioner, chiropractor, osteopath, kinesiologist, homeopath, sound therapist, aromatherapist, alternative and functional medical practitioner, natural doctor, wholistic dentist, dietitian, nutritionist, meditation practitioner, yoga practitioner, conscious artist/musician/actor, organic grower, permaculturalist, and bio-dynamic farmer, animal lover, anti-vaccine person, pro-choice health enthusiast, naturalist, fitness trainer, life coach, free energy inventor, activist, conservationist, freedom fighter, truth seeker - in the entire world - decided to stand together as ONE!

I wrote a follow-up blog proposing that we all establish a new Universal Declaration of Independence and Sovereignty, which would immediately free us from all the enslavement under the current system of control. I then wrote another blog suggesting it was time to put everything I suggested into action. The innate power of this Declaration will enable us to bypass any need whatsoever to consider or resist the current establishment. (I demonstrate in my events how we lose all power the instant we resist an external force - watch this video at 1:15:25)

I reread my previous blogs before commencing this blog and feel they remain the only answer to the world's problems. So, rather than repeat anything and to keep this brief, I suggest you read them before continuing this blog.

As you might expect, like any proposal for true change, the blogs got the extremes of reactions. They essentially polarised people, by making clear to everyone who is authentic in their intentions to serve others to live the Truth, and who is feeding off or into the system. There were many genuine and enthusiastic responses, however, there was no collective follow through with what needs to be done. Hence this blog.

At one point, I spoke to a leading activist who tried to convince me that everyone's efforts were having positive results. I said they were never going to be effective due to their resistance and not acting quickly enough to ensure the required outcome. His defense was that it was all happening one step at a time. I agreed, but pointed out the fact that they were all going in different directions - and he was forced to admit that was true.

Instead of all activists etc. focusing on creating a new alternate reality, they lost all their power by resisting all the different injustices etc. - which were deliberately designed to trap them. Therefore, I suggest we all stop pursuing our individual agendas and get everyone on same page. Once we have established a common Truth and Purpose, we can move forward in the same direction with our ultimate outcome in mind.

Life is now forcing us all to choose which reality manifests - Heaven on Earth or hell on Earth! The Truth is your every thought, word and deed will echo throughout eternity. Eternity is a long time, so while we still have the opportunity to act, let's choose utopia.

In case you haven't already realised, the Universe doesn't care if you agree with its Laws or not. When we are conscious, all immutable Laws are accepted and honoured as self-evident, indisputable and undeniable - and there is Peace on Earth. When the Laws are rejected, the result is life as we now know it. One Law is: The Truth is by its Nature - all or nothing! Therefore, our situation automatically calls for an all-or-nothing response. Let's compare the scenarios for each response and see if that helps you make your decision.

The all-in response would see everyone listed above coming together and establish a new paradigm. Everything I proposed in the previous blogs would be implemented enabling every man, woman and child on the planet to consciously live in a worldwide community.

It is important to remember that the reason we all seek to live our ultimate realities is that they reflect our true nature and innate potential. Therefore, our purpose must be to fulfill the collective potential of that shared reality. When we are empowered with the Truth of our nature, potential and purpose, we can all move towards it without any trace of conflict and confusion. Our ultimate success is not only guaranteed, it is our inevitable destiny.

When you honour the purity and inevitability of the Truth unfolding towards utopia, there is actually no need to even discuss the nothing approach leading to dystopia. The state of the world is sufficient evidence of what manifests with the ignorance of our nature, potential and purpose. The main challenge many people face is the habit of getting caught up in the dualistic components of reality. They are trapped by resisting the negative and stuck in the pursuit of the positive.

The many subtle ways in which society has conditioned and programmed us into battling our fears and grasping our desires is the most important habit we need to awaken to. The endless struggles instantly dissolve once we realise and accept our true nature of reality. Only then can everything effortlessly flow and in and through us as Grace unfolds the ultimate and inevitable.

This will only sound too altruistic to those who have not yet awakened to our true nature. Once you accept our nature, then you can act as a beacon of Light and act without any need to consider where the darkness goes. Remember, we are NOT here to help each other with our problems, we are here to serve each other to live the Truth. All of humanity's problems are in proportion to how much we have moved away from living in harmony with Nature, which causes us to lose connection to our true Nature.

With this in mind, I now invite you and everyone who honours this Truth to come together and start a conscious movement. I directly invite every authentic humanitarian to step forward and contribute what they can to creating the biggest shift in humanity that has ever occurred.

I am directly appealing to everyone on the list below to come together and act on behalf of humanity:


If your name is on this list, humanity URGENTLY requires your services.
We must all come together to initiate and spread this conscious movement.
We can all meet in person or online, and meet publicly or privately, as you choose.
Either way, this has to happen with or without you.

You and everyone on this list need to help liberate humanity from the tyrannical regimes that are destroying us and the Earth. (Please note that this list may be out of date and some people on it may not be suitable.) If there is anyone else you feel needs to be on this list, please let me know, or contact them directly yourself and bring this to their attention. I fully realise that there are some dubious people on the list who many may feel are inappropriate. It is simply a matter of getting through to as many people as possible regardless of who we connect through.

The people on this initial list alone could easily pull off the victory. The Path itself is clear - create Heaven on Earth - so we can use Nature as our Reference Point, which is self-evident, indisputable and undeniable to All. We have to encourage everyone listed to realise and accept that the only way forward is to join forces and act together as One. Our victory will only be sealed when all the awakened people consciously choose to come together and act on behalf of humanity.

What I propose is to work out exactly what techniques we will employ to move forward. From my research, the work of Gene Sharp - How to Start a Revolution - presents the basis of everything we need to get the ball rolling. We can implement all his strategies in a way that suits today's technologies and culture. In addition to this, there are countless numbers of people who are just waiting to step forward with their own information and inventions, which will accelerate the whole process.

It is time to direct our collective intelligence towards creating the answer. Despite everyone’s best efforts over the last number of decades, the Illuminati’s agenda has not met with even the slightest opposition. It is utterly delusional to keep thinking we can beat them at their own game. The whole system is completely rigged, which is why we have no choice but to replace it with a totally new one, which serves everyone to live the Truth.

One of the many inspirations to write this blog came from watching the documentary - THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes. This presentation proves how all the answers are already available, but are not being pooled together in an effective way. If we created a single umbrella organisation under which we could all unite, pool knowledge and join forces to protect each other, then we will be able to succeed with ease.

The two Thrive documentaries were brilliant, however they didn't offer the average person any means of following through on the information. They also lacked a wholistic model in which everything could be put into context. I will be reaching out to them to share the model I have created and my new Theory of Everything, both of which reveal exactly how we can all move forward in the same direction.

Another important factor in this movement is the matter of funding. I am happy to fund the initiation of this movement if need be, but if we all chipped in, it would accelerate the whole process. The fact is, if we all channelled our time, energy and resources in the same direction, which not only struck the root of all our collective issues, we could establish an entirely new paradigm within just two weeks. The whole new system could be fully in place around the world within six months.

Over the years, I have had many suggest that I approach the rich gurus and millionaire mentors to fund this project, but I feel many are not genuine. They seem to be only interested in creating a material and financial barrier to insulate and isolate themselves and their followers from the pending financial and social collapse.

These people are clearly intelligent in their own way, but are failing to use it in a way that serves humanity as a whole. Instead, they are only intent on fluffing their own pillows in their corner of the zoo. However, even the rich will not be able to escape the Illuminati’s agenda for long. If you are not already aware of the New World Order’s agendas being imposed upon us, then it is time you wake up and start thinking for yourself. 

It has been said that for us to have victory, we need to be even more organised and co-ordinated than the elite. Considering the elite’s wealth and generations of power behind establishing their current level of control, our victory may sound impossible. This is where many begin to feel overwhelmed and depressed at the thought of eternal enslavement by the satanic and pedophile rulers.

It all may seem a lost cause to the majority of Earthlings, however, we have something they don’t - numbers. The saying from South India, “A colony of ants can overpower a snake” reminds us all of our natural abilities that will always be there. There are enough numbers to conquer the snake while others establish the new paradigm.

Mathematically, if we look at the square root of one percent of the population, it is 8888 people. This is enough people to be the pin to pop the balloon of the elite. If these people work together in a very conscious and deliberate manner, they could very quickly reach the next 20% of humanity. The maths I use in my book - The Nature of Life - reveals the number of roles needed to fulfil our potential and purpose is 4 534 632 people, which is only 0.005% of the population.

The simple fact is, we do have sufficient numbers to achieve victory. Therefore, realistically, we could achieve victory within a very short time from commencing action. This may sound impossible, but you have to remember how long it takes a pin to pop a balloon and how quickly darkness disappears in the presence of Light.

There only remains a small window of opportunity to win the game. Therefore, all our time, energy and resources need to be focused on creating a new paradigm. Therefore, we no longer have time to spend on those who aren’t already awake.

Before we can consciously move forward together, we have to free ourselves of the mentality driving much of humanity. A good example is the famous quote from President Theodore Roosevelt’s speech during the elite's Great Depression, “The only thing to fear is fear itself.” This statement has been repeated endlessly by many in the New Age Movement in an attempt to point out the importance of our thoughts. However, it is nothing more than a failed attempt to construct a positive state of mind.

Let me explain why I say Roosevelt’s comment is irrelevant. I explained The 3 Core Emotions – Grief, Terror and Rage, in a previous blog and this video on my BitChute channel. Emotions are only the shadow of what is blocking the experience of Truth in an individual or collective. Remember, emotions are a condition, NOT a state of mind. So, to reveal the foolishness of Roosevelt’s statement, insert the other two Core Emotions into the same statement and you will get “The only thing to grieve is grief” and "The only thing to rage over is rage itself.”

Such empty platitudes are being spoken by many ‘thought leaders’ and ‘life coaches’ in their attempt to encourage and console humanity in this worldwide crisis. Why is this so important? Such positive affirmations contain no true power, and will not translate into conscious and deliberate action. Without a conscious collective effort, humanity’s remaining rights and freedoms will soon be obliterated by the elite’s agenda - through mass forced vaccinations, surveillance programs and Chinese like social credit systems. This would be a fate worse than death.

Many laugh at the idea of utopia, but the fact is - we can actually achieve it. The current state of the world is all the evidence we need to prove we can create dystopia, based on mass ignorance and arrogance caused by a minority. All we need to do now is choose to do the opposite, founded on Truth and Love. When we as a minority all put our heads together, we can quickly and easily turn this whole mess around

We can all now be at Peace knowing that we have the opportunity to turn the whole planet around. Together, with our swords drawn, we can cut through all the lies and deceptions of the current system, and slice through any barriers that may come between us and our ultimate experience of Life on Earth.

To wrap things up, I would like to share a personal experience I had with one of the masters I spent time with. I once asked my Enlightened Taoist Tai Chi Grandmaster, “How do you maintain a sense of Peace while living in the world?”

His reply was profoundly simple, “By having decided to do so!”

He then said, “You may feel you understand what I meant by saying that, but I will explain it in a way that you will be consciously aware - in order to transmit the Truth to others.” He went on to explain that people will only come to the point of making the decision ‘to do so’, through either suffering or inspiration. You will only develop the conviction to remain at Peace having either:

• suffered enough from the consequences of inappropriate actions
• been Inspired enough to realise the True Nature of all things

It is now more than obvious that we have all suffered enough. The only remaining option is to follow the Path of Inspiration. I trust this blog will inspire everyone into action, so we can get the job done and get on with living our lives how we are meant to Be.

It is essential to remember that this is NOT a revolution - it is a conscious evolution. We do not need to revolt or stand against anything. We are only standing for what it is True and Natural. Therefore, we can come together purely with the intent to creatively solve the greatest puzzle in human history - how to collectively honour our inalienable right to be independent and sovereign.

Yes, the ultimate victory is at hand. It is only a decision away. In the same way Vaclav Havel, the Czech playwright led the successful revolution in Czechoslovakia, you too can play a significant role in liberating humanity and ushering a new era for all.

In closing, I will remind you that energy follows intentions.
So, now that you have decided, let's all get on with it.

Love and Light to All
Brian Gerard Schaefer :)


If you would like to read more, click on my other blogs. If you would like to a new wholistic perspective and approach to life, or work in the alternative and natural health industry and are seeking the whole picture, I suggest you read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world and learn how to maximise your ability to serve others. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer Profile.jpg

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

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A WONDERFUL DREAM: Awaken to a new reality


I had a truly wonderful dream
Everyone on Earth fully awakened

I saw the whole world was made rid of evil
Non-violent non-cooperation was the tool of execution

Coordinated mass arrests by citizens liberated every nation
Each soul's destiny was part of the creation

The empires of tyrants were knocked from their foundations
The stench of their corruption and fraud at last eliminated

All the psychopathic dictators and despots were decisively destroyed
Their generations of lies and deception irrefutably exposed

All their barbaric banks of slavery were dissolved
Their controlling money and debt deleted from the records

All their parliamentary houses were reduced to piles rubble
The putrid satanic swamps were permanently drained dry

All their institutions and systems were thoroughly disinfected
The plague and pestilence of academia exterminated

All their complex corporations and cartels crumbled to dust
The cesspools of exploitation evaporated in the Light

Their giant malls and shopping centres abandoned all multinationals
The temples of materialism became markets full of local merchants

All their harmful chemicals and pharmaceuticals were unequivocally banned
The grotesque scourge and cruel curse lifted from the common man

All branches of the military were deliberately disarmed
Their personnel took up serving their beloved and kin

I witnessed the trials and sweet justice served
All the crimes against humanity terminated

Their religions and cults turned to ash
Pride and prejudice burned by Truth

Their censorship and surveillance networks unplugged
The mass reset button was firmly pressed towards freedom

Their books of rule and law were abolished and reduced to shreds
The weight of paper was no longer entrenched in our minds

Their mandatory vaccinations and compulsory medications met a terminal end
These causes of death and dis-ease forever buried by admission and confession

Each and every man, women and child had drawn their sword
They struck through the root of their collective misery

Every fist finally relaxed with the ultimate victory in hand
Universal independence and sovereignty again reigned supreme

I observed the total restoration of family and community
All hearts of members overflowed with Peace and Joy

Earth's children had accomplished the most astounding feat
Music, song and dance returned to the world's streets

All celebrated teachers and dreamers rose to their feet in heaven
An ovation to the practice of what they had preached and given

All Life thrived and we shared in equal prosperity
The Divine's creatures again revered and his lands restored

We were all free to just Be, and together create
A new world bespoke to the nature of things

We communicated with open hearts and spoke our minds
All eternally free to mingle and hang our unique shingle

Seeing this great shift beyond the dark, I searched deep for its original spark
And found it burning within me, the one who dared share this dream

Further, I saw it was not just a dream, but a prophetic vision
A profound premonition of humanity's greatest maturation

Yet the highest act of courage saw the vision's completion
It was you, sharing your dream with equal connection and precision

Love and Light to All
Brian Gerard Schaefer :)


If you would like to read more, click on my other blogs. If you would like to a new wholistic perspective and approach to life, or work in the alternative and natural health industry and are seeking the whole picture, I suggest you read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world and learn how to maximise your ability to serve others. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

Brian Gerard Schaefer Profile.jpg

Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

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THE 2 TYPES OF DUMB: A clever new way of classifying the human condition.


The whole idea of this article came to me in a single moment, so I thought I would take some time out from writing my book to share with you something a little different to what I normally do. 😊

Having studied human behaviour since 1983, I am going to present a unique new way of classifying members of the human species. It was during my research into the human condition that I came to realise there are two distinct groups within our species. They are in fact opposite to each other, but weirdly, their behaviours are often the same, though for very different reasons.

The profound depths to which one can study this topic is important to note, as the two groups have co-existed since the dawn of time, and occur in all countries, ages, races, cultures and even families. Therefore, the exchanges within and between the two groups have always been a part of the human experience. This fact makes it extremely easy for anyone of either group to prove their group is superior. But as we are about to discover, only one of the groups believe they are superior. It is incredible facts like this that made me feel it will be of great benefit to everyone that I bring to light all the distinguishing factors.

So, let’s begin this important study of the human species.
But first, a word of warning.
If you are in any way confused about which group you belong to, please wait until you have read the entire article before making a final decision.

We will begin with the labelling the 2 distinctly different groups:

1: The Dumbed-down
2. The Dumbfounded

We will now explore how each group got their names.
The Dumbfounded gave themselves the name, as they claim it is the best and simplest combination of words to describe how they live and feel.
Historical records seem to show that the Dumbed-down group’s title actually originated from the Dumbfounded group.
It is important to note that all Dumbfounded group members don’t care about their name and report that they do not want to be living and feeling the way they do.
On the other hand, the Dumbed-down group do not in any way appreciate their name, but do in fact love the way they live and feel.
They love how they live so much, that they have decided that everyone, especially the Dumbfounded need to live the same way - whether they like it or not.
The Dumbfounded group think the way the Dumbed-down live is totally dumb and refuse to join their group.
The Dumbed-down think that is dumb and that the smartest way of living is that everyone should live the very same way.
They have very cleverly worked out a plan how to create a single world government that will help everyone in the whole world to live a happy and secure life in the way they believe is necessary.
The most important element to this plan is that none of the Dumbfounded group want to be a part of their new world order.
This is perhaps one of the biggest differences between the two groups, and the cause of many of the other differences I am about to reveal.
This was one of the many striking facts I discovered while researching this topic and one of the main reasons I decided to write this article.

However, as you may appreciate, this article was rather challenging to write.
It has taken a lot of years of difficult research to sort through all the dumbness within both groups and make all the distinctions, which we will now explore in detail.

Current world circumstances were also a key to the inspiration for this article.
It was when I observed the shift in trends, I realised the importance of everyone knowing the differences between these groups.
Many of the Dumbfounded group believe that a larger percentage of the world’s population is shifting to join their group.
But at the same time, it seems the Dumbed-down members have apparently offset this by taking their type of dumb to a whole new level.
Some Dumbfounded members feel that most of the Dumbed-down members have gone too far into their ranks to ever become members of their group. 
Most of the Dumbed-down group feel that the Dumbfounded group are also too dumb to ever join their group, especially the longer-term members.

This is a good time to introduce another one of the distinctions between the two groups.
The Dumbed-down group have a highly structured hierarchical system as part of their culture.
The Dumbfounded group doesn’t have a hierarchical structure and the members usually see each other as equals.
The Dumbfounded group is mainly gauged by the length of time the member has been dumbfounded, and how many areas of life the member has been dumbfounded over.
My observations revealed that this is often one area the newer Dumbfounded members may take some time to adjust to, and often like to try to establish hierarchies in the Dumbfounded groups they join.
The long-term and more dumbfounded members soon help the new members realise that such things are dumb, and they quickly change and become dumbfounded by such ideas.

The Dumbed-down group use a combination of special ingredients to create a new Dumbed-down member, or when attempting to convert a Dumbfounded member.
They employ a high-tech tool called a ‘Television’, which nearly all Dumbed-down members watch religiously.
This amazing piece of apparatus spews out endlessly amounts of information - including constant news reports, ‘reality shows’ and other essential forms of entertainment.
The television shows are called ‘programs’ because they contain things that are insignificant or irrelevant to nearly everyone, with reports that instil fear, or emphasise and exaggerate the negative element of everything in life.

The Dumbed-down members thrive on all the information because it reminds them how much worse their lives would be if it wasn’t for the high-ranking member’s guiding them and helping them to become clever like them.
The Dumbfounded members say the tel-lie-vision is only a tool to make people dumb and warn their members that these apparatus actually hypnotise those who watches it, and that people even become addicted to watching it.
The Dumbed-down members believe that is dumb and say that it actually makes them even smarter.
They say it is essential to watch it because they get to know even more about what the high-ranking members have to teach them about how to live and get others to live the same way.
The Dumbfounded group say that everything the high-ranking Dumbed-down members teach is dumb and is designed to make everyone even dumber.
The Dumbed-down members say that is a dumb thing to believe because the high-ranking members can prove how doing what they say makes everyone less dumb or more clever.

The high-ranking Dumbed-down members love to involve themselves with all the new members of the group.
They make special buildings, called ‘schools’, ‘universities’, ‘churches’ etc. where they delight in educating all their new members into their way of life.
These building are where all the different levels of rankings teach the new or young members all the advantages of being a Dumbed-down member, which include financial gain, power over others, professional status, membership to elite secret societies, material wealth, security, and most importantly, fame.
What the Dumbed-down members fail to accept is that many of the Dumbfounded members are just as well educated, if not more so than themselves.
The Dumbed-down members refuse to accept anything that goes against what the high-ranking members in the institutions decree as truth.
The Dumbfounded members think this is totally dumb because the high-ranking members in the institutions are trying to make everyone else dumb to make themselves even more powerful in their role to ‘save the world.’

The high-ranking Dumbed-down members thrive on the fact that their new and young members think they are special and have a strong sense of self-importance.
They love to feed the belief that they are here to save the world and that they are superior in every way to the Dumbfounded group.
The high-ranking Dumbed-down members even stir a strong sense of competition and rivalry between their new and lower members, and even among themselves.
In fact, it is well known - and even promoted - that the level of competition and rivalry at the top of the different branches of the Dumbed-down group is brutal – and sometimes, even deadly.

The Dumbfounded group think the activities in the buildings are dumb and do not contribute to saving the world, and in fact contribute to the demise of humanity and the planet.
They don’t care about being superior or special because they believe everyone is equal and unique.
The Dumbed-down members think that is dumb because their high-ranking member have proven that the only way to change the world is by making well-organised hierarchies.

The Dumb-downed members fiercely compete in these special building to become really, really, really smart in one or two areas of life.
They do this so they can become what is called a ‘specialist’, which helps them make lots more money and ‘climb the ladder’ within their ranks.
The Dumbfounded members even honour how smart they are in those couple of areas, but are dumbfounded by how dumb they are in all other areas of life.
The Dumbfounded members like to have more general knowledge, and take a more natural, traditional and wholistic approach to life.
The Dumbed-down members think that is a very dumb primitive belief, because science can prove so many of the things they now know.
The Dumbfounded members don't care about what scientists believe they know, because it's obvious to them that is dumb to think you are clever when there is always more that they don’t know - and you don't need science to prove that is true.

The dumbed-down also have special schools and classes for what they call ‘marketing’, which is where they learn to manipulate, control and influence people of both groups - usually without their knowledge or against their will.
The Dumbfounded members think that it is all really dumb and prefer to go about their lives living with honesty and integrity, and rely on word of mouth and reputation when making their choices.

The Dumbed-down group have many classifications and use a whole range of titles to define their rank and position in the group's within their group.
The main one is the difference between being an ‘amateur’ and a ‘professional’, which is determined by how much money they spend attending the special buildings.
The difference brings about what is called a ‘wage gap’, which acts as an incentive for all the amateurs to work and compete even harder.
The professionals can make millions and millions of dollars because they are so special and important.
The professionals also create many ways to gain from members in both groups by using things like fake money, debt and interest.
This is how they keep everything fair and get paid for being so clever to create the system in the first place.
The amateur Dumbed-down members often get extremely agitated by how ‘stupid’ and ‘ignorant’ Dumbfounded members are in not accepting how special and important the professionals are.

The Dumbfounded members usually prefer not to use titles and work towards equality.
They would also prefer to eliminate the use of money, debt and interest altogether.
The Dumbed-down members think that is such a dumb thing to believe, because how else would the world work?
The Dumbfounded members think the answer is obvious in that all the previous generations survived and thrived before the invention of such things and would like to go back to that way of living.

All Dumfounded members think that it is completely dumb that the top and high-ranking Dumbed-down members believe they have the right to tell anyone how to live.
The Dumbfounded are totally dumbfound that the Dumbed-down actually believe they need someone to tell them how to live.
The Dumbed-down think it is really dumb that the Dumbfounded don't believe they need to be told how to live because it without their governance we would all go back to being dumb like our primitive ancestors
The Dumbfounded laugh at how dumb that is because our ancestors were clearly a lot more clever than the Dumbed-down ever will be.

The Dumbfounded believe the top and high ranking Dumbed-down members don't ever want the dumbed-down to awaken to just how dumbed-down everyone really is, so they do really dumb things like: change history, manipulate science, rig elections, control the media, enforce censorship, suppress treatments and cures, ban technologies, cause autism through vaccines, poison the air and water, put chemicals in foods, genetically modify everything, and toxic pharmaceutical drugs,
The Dumbed-down members believe making such claims are really dumb and know that everything the Dumbed-down members do is for everyone's good and helps make everyone more clever.
The Dumbfounded also think it is completely dumb that the Dumbed-down members believe all natural things are bad, including: free speech, sunlight, vegan diets, the body's immune system, chiropractic care, plant medicines, and even breastfeeding.

The Dumbed-down members believe their top and high-ranking members are so clever that they have outsmarted nature and made it obsolete.
The Dumbfounded members think that is a totally dumb thing to believe and why the Dumbed-down members are not worthy of a comment.
The Dumbed-down members believe the Dumbfounded member's silence is proof they are too dumb to comment.
The Dumbfounded members think this is hilarious and only proves just how dumbed-down the Dumbed-down members have become.

The leaders of the Dumbed-down group especially love the fact that the new and amateur members are so volatile and ambitious, and are willing to go to any lengths to maliciously destroy the Dumbfounded members.
The professional ones are nearly always found at the top of an organisation or intuition that specialising in the dumbing-down process.
They are rarely known to mind their own business and delight involving themselves in everyone else’s lives as much as possible.
They are not in any way disturbed by the fact that their actions are not requested by those they seek to ‘help’ and delight in seeing them resist their efforts.
One of the most dangerous elements of the Dumbed-down group is that they are prepared to kill and maim other humans and living creatures.
What dumbfounds the Dumbfounded group members about the Dumbed-down members is that they are willing to kill other humans and destroy the environment, in an effort to protect their way of life and impose it on the Dumbfounded members.

The long-term and more Dumbfounded members are dumbfounded by how the new Dumbfounded members often like to attack and belittle the Dumb-downed group.
The new members often get extremely agitated by how ‘stupid’ and ‘ignorant’ the Dumbed-down are.
The long-term and more Dumbfounded members are dumbfounded that the new members sometimes feel they are superior to the Dumbed-down members, even though they only recently became a member of the Dumbfounded Group.
It also dumbfounds the long-term and more Dumbfounded members how some members lack humility and how quickly they forget that were once members of the Dumbed-down.

However, what really dumbfounds the long-term and more Dumbfounded members is when a new member is still willing to kill and maim other humans and living creatures.
But what dumbfounds the long-term and more Dumbfounded members the most is when a new member engages in such dumbed-down activities, and then calls themselves ‘awake’!
The new members often confuse the difference between being really clever or smart in an area of life as being ‘aware’.
This is why most of the long-term and more Dumbfounded members often distance themselves from the new members, because they usually contradict and misrepresent the core principles of what it means to be aware or awake.
It is why the masters of the Dumbfounded group can often be found hidden away in some quiet place busy minding their own business and getting on with their lives.
They love devoting their lives to serving mankind and are often found immersed in revolutionary technologies and projects.
They often devote their time to exposing the lies and corruption within and between the different levels of the Dumbed-down group.
They are also often found helping the members who defect from the Dumbed-down group to adjust to the dumbfounded state, as it is often a traumatic and difficult time.

The high-ranking members hate being exposed or called out for being dumb by the Dumbfounded, and do everything they can to destroy them in return - by fabricating lies to reveal how dumb they really are.
If any member of either the Dumbed-down or Dumbfounded group ever expresses any doubt about a top or high-ranking member’s cleverness, or question their honesty or sincerity, they will be made to look really dumb to both groups.
The high-ranking members are too elite to actually care what the Dumbfounded members think of them, because they believe they are too dumb to develop any real understanding of life.
The top-ranking members are beyond caring what the members of both groups think and say about them, because they are obsessed with constructing a worldwide homogenous society and refuse to accept that anyone can choose not to live in their smart world.
They sell this plan to both groups as being the best and only way the species will survive the riots, pandemics and economic disasters sweeping the planet.

The Dumbfounded members, particularly the most dumbfounded ones, believe it all to be a massive hoax deliberately created to destroy the world’s economy and enslave everyone into a cashless society, which is fully controlled and monitored by artificial intelligence - because even they aren’t clever enough to do it without computers.
The Dumbed-down members refuse to accept that this is their Top and high-ranking leader’s agenda - and even if any of it was true, then it would certainly be the best possible outcome for the entire species and the planet.

However, there have been many recent reports, though it has always been known, that the top and highest-ranking Dumbed-down members delight in having wild parties that often involve satanic rituals, sex with children, human sacrifices and lots of illicit drugs.
These parties are how they reward their members and enlist them into the higher ranks.
They like to secretly take lots of photos and videos as evidence that they have had the privilege of attending the elite parties.

The top members the Dumbed-down group belong to a very exclusive clan, which has a unique, but pretentious name – the Illuminati, meaning the illuminated ones.
This is the main reason why the Dumbed-down title seems so un-befitting to the members of that group.
Whereas, all the Dumbfounded group say it only proves all their points against the Dumbed-down group, but this only leaves the all Dumbed-down group dumbfounded because the Illuminati are so incredibly clever.
It is these special top-ranking members that want all the other Dumbed-down members to help them get rid of all the Dumbfounded members.
The top members of the Dumbed-down groups believe the Dumbfounded group are too dumb to realise that their way of living is best and that they need to intervene to prevent the Dumbfounded groups ruining the world.

To all the Dumbfounded group, having sex with children is just plain dumb, and doing satanic rituals, human sacrifices and lots of illicit drugs are the dumbest things ever.
The Dumbed-down group don’t want to believe that their top and high-ranking members do such things.
This adds to their rejection of the Dumbfounded group’s belief that their top ranking members are psychopaths and are deliberately destroying humanity and the environment.
The Dumbfounded group believe the top and high-ranking members of the Dumbed-down group are conspiring to suppress cures for diseases and lots of technology, like free energy, which will help humanity and the environment.
This is why the Dumbed-down group likes to destroy Dumbfounded member’s reputations by calling them a conspiracy theorist, a nutjob, a nutcase, a dumbass, a misguided individual, and my favourite, tinfoil hatter.

The Dumbed-down group, especially the top and high-ranking members, hate it when one of its members leaves and joins the Dumbfounded group.
This is seen as a tragic slip into dumbness, especially if the member leaving is a high-ranking member.
If a high-ranking member leaves the group, they often signal their departure by blowing a whistle.
This upsets the top-ranking members and they get all the other members to say that they were actually too dumb to have ever been part of their group.
If the defector blows their whistle, then their level of attack escalates and they deny the new Dumbfounded member’s credentials were ever valid and demonise their character by constructing elaborate stories.
After leaving the Dumbed-down group, many high-ranking and famous members seem to struggle dealing with life outside of the group, so they often commit suicide or die in very strange ways, which can only be understood by the clever Dumbed-down group.

When a member of the Dumbfounded group leaves to join the Dumbed-down group, nobody in the group seems to really care.
Instead, they focus on devoting the time and energy on the other remaining members and share ways of improving their own lives.

The Dumbfounded have observed the irony in how the more dumbed-down the Dumbed-down members are, the smarter they think they become.
That usually means that they think the Dumbfounded are even more dumb.
The irony of this greatly amuses the longer-term and more Dumbfounded members, but often upsets the newer Dumbfounded.
The newer Dumbfounded members have only recently realised how dumb they actually were when they were in the Dumbed-down group, so they don’t like being reminded that they were really dumb.
The long-term and more Dumbfounded members have long given up caring what any of the Dumbed-down members think or say about them.

Many of the newer members like to gossip about the Dumbed-down group and complain about how their agendas are impinging on their reality.
The long-term and more Dumbfounded members think and feel that the Dumbed-down group is too dumb to be even worthy of a comment.
Those members have learnt to completely ignore the Dumbed-down group’s agendas and go about living sovereign lives and building their own community.

And finally, the most important factor of all regarding this topic.
We need to have a look at a couple of ways in which the two groups behave the same way.
The main issue lies in the way individuals make gestures.
This is usually the most confusing factor for people who are new to the topic, as it often makes it almost impossible to determine what group a person belongs to.
Nearly every member of each group placed the palm of their hand over their face when asked about the other group, or even members within their own group.
This gesture is called a ‘facepalm’ and has been known to occur since records began.
The other most commonly shared behaviour was their manner of laughing.
They nearly always broke eye contact when chuckling, and it was often combined with the facepalm.
It seems both groups like to exaggerate these behaviours to either strengthen the point they are making, or to avoid discussing certain topics.
The later occurred mostly in the long-term and more Dumbfounded members.

So, there you have it.
My clever new classification is now available for both groups to share and learn from.
I trust you have found this information highly advantageous if you are in the Dumbed-down group, or highly beneficial if you are in the Dumbfounded group.
Regardless of what group you are in, I hope this article will help you to either strength or destroy your relationships as you so desire.
I also sincerely hope this article helps all those who were unsure as to which group they belonged to choose the right group for themselves.

Love and Light and Laughter to All
Brian Gerard Schaefer 😊

If you would like to read more, click on my other blogs. If you would like to a new wholistic perspective and approach to life, or work in the alternative and natural health industry and are seeking the whole picture, I suggest you read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world and learn how to maximise your ability to serve others. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

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Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

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