DRAW YOUR SWORD – Things are about to get real


This article has been in the making for over 35 years, and it is now time to share my thoughts and speak out. Not because people are waking up or becoming inspired, but the exact opposite. I was stirred having watched Australian alternative news reporter Max Igan’s video about how he had been attacked, again. (It may not surprise you that similar things have happened to me and other people I know.) Further inspiration came with the reports of Julian Assange’s disgusting abuse and torture in prison. This is reinforced by the culling of independent and alternative channels via all forms of internet censorship.

 A lot of people ask me, “Don’t you think there is a huge shift in consciousness happening and people are starting to wake up?”
Ummm - NO!
How can anyone seriously believe there is any positive change occurring when every life supporting element on Earth is in the red, and on the verge of total collapse?

The only thing that people are waking up to is the fact there is a problem, and the extent to which it potentially directly threatens them. They are only waking up because they are suffering – not because they are being inspired. This article is intended to inspire everyone into action.

But first, let’s take a quick look at some of the major issues we are facing as a race:

  • Endless propaganda and lies by governments and corporations

  • Relentless violation of our basic rights

  • Constant erosion of our freedoms

  • Ongoing destruction of the environment

  • High rate of flora and fauna extinctions

  • Massive pedophilia rings in all area of society

  • Ever increasing homelessness

  • Increasing unemployment and poverty

  • Depletion of the Earth’s resources

  • Complete breakdown in community

  • Worldwide mental health crisis

  • Exploding personal and national debt

  • Poor regulations controlling the quality of our food and diet

  • Corruption in the medical and pharmaceutical industry

  • Exorbitant political and corporate wages

  • Unjust distribution of wealth

  • Exponential rates of autism

  • Worldwide problems with drug addiction

Here we are in the 21st Century and this is the state of the planet. When is everyone going to say, “Enough!”? Despite the early warnings, the world portrayed in the book ‘1984’ has become our reality. The alternative, “All for one and one for all” would have been the intelligent path for humanity. However, regardless of all the wisdom of the ages, technological advancements, and living in the modern information age, human society is little more than a cesspool - for most people. We can no longer keep our heads buried in the sand, or the clouds, depending on the programs we have running.

There is only one word that indicates an awakening within humanity - Reciprocity. Society is practically void of its precursors - giving, receiving and sharing - so any true sense of community is almost impossible. We have lost sight of any other way of living together, yet reciprocation is how humanity survived until rather recently. Our energies and attention have been hijacked by the endless manufactured dramas and wars, which has led to an every man for himself attitude.

The usual reaction to any issue is to turn to the government to provide solutions, but doing so is like asking a zoo keeper to let you go free. Protesting and petitioning people of authority is an absolute waste of time, which is exactly what they want you to do! So, don’t ever think of doing such things. As the late great George Carlin said, “They don’t care about you!” Here is an entertaining video where he enlightens us with his perspective of society - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atxbnLxd-ik


In line with the True Nature of Life, the answer to humanity’s overall situation is extremely simple.

Would you agree that the further we have moved away from living in harmony with Nature, the worse things have become?

The answer we need is to go back to living in harmony with Nature. This answer has been self-evident, undeniable and indisputable to everyone I have ever shared it with. We just need to do the complete opposite to what we are currently doing. We have to wipe the slate clean and start again - with Nature as our eternal guide. Everything and everyone must work towards one outcome - EPHEMERALISATION, which translates to our ability to continue producing more using less and less.

 Every action has one of these 3 aims: 1. Find the cause of a problem 2. Find or offer a solution 3. Offer an answer to the overall situation. Humanity has been stuck in an endless spiral of problem-reaction-solution for millennia. It is essential to realise that there are no solutions to humanity’s problems! None. Zero. So, don’t waste your time and energy looking for them. The reason is, we are going in the wrong direction altogether - away from Nature. This is why nearly all the solutions currently being offered are only propping up the false reality we are stuck in. They are only perpetuating the insanity.

It is also essential that you realise we already have ALL the answers. By Nature, they always have been there and always will be. This means I guarantee you that someone, somewhere, has the answer to every issue we could possibly face. However, there are many reasons why these answers aren’t shared, including: a lack of funds for development or production; a lack of ‘credentials’, as well as the person was bought out by conglomerates, has been threatened with their life, has been killed, ‘suicided’, disappeared, is too scared to step forward, or they are too greedy. People with answers are often just completely ignored as well, simply because they threaten the status quo.


All trouble-shooters and problem-solvers must consciously work together with Nature as our collective reference point. This will guarantee everything we do will restore the natural balance, in the shortest amount of time possible. Nobody in their right mind can disagree with these facts. Therefore, we don’t have to debate issues that should go without saying. However, if a decision is not unanimous, it doesn’t get implemented until it is.

I have a saying, “A million Mother Theresa’s won’t stop the problem.” Most efforts are little more than damage control, which props up the inevitable collapse. Another saying from South India where I used to live states, “A colony of ants can overpower a snake”. Regardless of what you believe, you can be assured of one fact - only a conscious and coordinated effort will give us the outcome we need. We have to be smart enough to be more coordinated than those seeking to enslave us.

Henry Thoreau said it best, “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root." It is obvious that everything will only continue to get worse unless we all strike at the common root of all our problems. There literally is no other way out of this mess, and we are running out of time.

Do I hear you say, “But what can I do? How can I help? I am only one person!”

Well, I have some suggestions. Firstly, lets approach every high-profile person who is genuinely serving humanity. There are countless charities, conservationists, environmentalists, political activists, social justice warriors, freedom fighters, Truth seekers, independent journalists etc. etc. However, despite decades of action, nothing is contributing to any real change.

The main purpose of this article is to highlight the need for the creation of a single umbrella organisation, under which every single individual and group seeking health and freedom can stand together. This is the only cause worthy of investing our time and energy. When everyone sharing this mission honours all Natural Laws, it will ensure that the transition will happen in the most seamless way possible.

We need to shift timelines to the one where we all rise to the challenge and start cooperating and coordinating in the way that is required. If all the leaders in their field, groups and associations got together, they would outnumber their common enemy by a thousand to 1.

A Universal Law is: The closer to the Truth something is, the more instant becomes. If everyone pooled together their funds and resources, then struck at the common root, I can guarantee you the whole thing would be uprooted within 2 weeks!  

For example, magine if everyone involved with all the organisations listed below combined forces and struck at the common root.

  • Sea Shepherd

  • World Wild Life Fund

  • Greenpeace

  • Save the Children


  • Religion based charities

  • Medical research

  • Red Cross

  • Amnesty International


  • PETA

  • Doctors Without Borders

  • International Fund for Animal Welfare

  • World Animal Protection



  • Sierra Club

The amount of combined time, energy and resources put into running all these organisations, year after year, is a complete insult to intelligence. However, humanity puts what little faith it has left into these organisations to make a difference. Yet, their collective results have failed to shift the balance in favour of our long-term survival. It is because nearly all the organisations listed above are fake and corrupt to the core. Most people already know they were actually created to NOT help, but we will address this soon.

On top of all the fake charities and activist organisations, we have all alternative medicine and natural health associations. Practically every modality has their own association on a state, federal and international level. There are often multiple ones for each modality. Again, the combined time, energy and resources put into running all these associations only keeps everything and everyone separate and divided.

Imagine what would happen if:
every herbalist, naturopath, massage therapist, acupuncturist, reiki practitioner, chiropractor, osteopath, kinesiologist, homeopath, sound therapist, aromatherapist, alternative and functional medical practitioner, natural doctor, wholistic dentist, dietitian, nutritionist, meditation practitioner, yoga practitioner, conscious artist/musician/actor, organic grower, permaculturalist, and bio-dynamic farmer, animal lover, anti-vaccine person, pro-choice health enthusiast, naturalist, fitness trainer, life coach, free energy inventor, activist, conservationist, freedom fighter, truth seeker - in the entire world - decided to stand together as ONE!

I guarantee you, there really is no problem we can’t overcome together! But we do have to do it together. We have to do whatever it takes to get everyone on the same page. and focused on doing what needs to be fixed. We all just need to consciously choose the one timeline where our victory is INEVITABLE. Then we can gracefully go about things in Peace and Love.

Buckminster Fuller said, “You never change things by fighting against the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.” Therefore, I am proposing that everyone calls upon all the leaders and high-profile people in every field to combine their efforts. We will ask them to establish a new model and community, which completely dissolves the existing one.

This is NOT a call to arms to establish an army to fight the current system. We don’t need to give any energy, whatsoever, to resisting those running it. What you resist persists! We only need to withdraw ALL our energy from the old paradigm and focus on creating a new one - based on Nature.

Nature makes everything simple in that everything is black or white. Something is either beneficial or detrimental for our health and freedom. Society confuses us by making everything a grey scale. There is no need to argue or debate anything. This naturally speeds up the whole process.

This perspective and approach to Life makes nearly all the alternative news channels, conspiracy realists, activists etc. etc. completely redundant! Everyone can stop habitually reacting and wasting time and energy on all the manufactured problems and tailored solutions. We can all start consciously responding and direct all our support into creating a single umbrella organisation, which directly addresses the root cause perpetuating all other organisations, associations and charities. After the ultimate victory, we can all support each other in thriving - free of all interference and distraction - forever.

I proposed this action plan many years ago - as The One Earth, One Tribe Movement - but very few people were interested. The current state of affairs means I have decided to reintroduce the idea. It is now time for everyone to stop appealing to puppets like Madame Oprah, or supporting pawns like Greta Thunberg.

I am talking about recruiting ALL the authentic people, who are already awake and genuinely seek to serve humanity. We have to appreciate that not everyone will be suitable, and not everyone will be able to contribute. We are only interested in those who are truly dedicated to the ultimate outcome. Devotion means being prepared to do whatever it takes. And it is going to take everyone’s devotion to succeed!

The specific purpose of this organisation is to facilitate a shift in paradigm. Here is a list of some of the actions required:

  • Release all free energy technology

  • Suspend all taxes

  • Remove practically all fees and penalties

  • Lift all taxes and tariffs on renewable energy sources

  • Ban all medicines including vaccines that are not proven to be 100% safe

  • Lift all bans on natural medicines and alternative treatments

  • Ensure our individual right to choose our medical treatments

  • Ensure equal pay for everyone

  • Cease all military interference and actions overseas

  • Suspend all military spending

  • End all privatisation of national assets

  • End all foreign ownership

  • Totally ban of all 5G and harmful EMF technology

  • Ban all weather modification, including chemtrails and HAARP

  • Terminate of all forms of privacy invasion

  • End all government and private surveillance technology

  • Release all hidden and suppressed medicines and treatments

  • Eliminate the entire banking and finance system

  • Restructure the entire education system and make it free for all

  • Eliminate private prisons and false imprisonment

  • Remove all monarchs

  • Eliminate the World Bank, IMF and all Federal Reserve Banks

  • End all banking fees and interest.

  • Honour all inalienable rights

  • Uphold personal and national sovereignty 

  • Rewrite national constitutions

  • End all human trafficking

  • End all child labour

  • Eliminate all personal and national debt

  • Protect all whistle-blowers and create a platform to share their information

  • Protect and restore as many natural habitats and reserves as possible

  • Ban all man-made chemicals until they are proven to be safe for the environment and humanity

  • Protect and preserve indigenous cultures

  • Release all recycling technology

  • Decriminalise all drugs

  • Lift all bans on hemp growth and materials

  • Ban all nuclear power

  • Eliminate all nuclear, chemical and biological weapons

  • Remove all money from politics

  • Replace the entire monetary system

Doing these things will eliminate or reverse all issues in the previous list. To do this, we need to create an all-inclusive, all-embracing and all-encompassing international community, AND an international organisation that represents the community in all dealings outside of the community. Every individual MUST claim their sovereignty and come together to form the community and organisation, which then supports and protects their members.

Creating change in the world is simple and easy. It only requires everyone to be on the same page. Then, the obvious place to start would be adopting the best of what each country has to offer. We are smart enough to do all of these things. The only reason we haven’t done it until now is because we weren’t committed to doing what is needed.

Now, we simply have no choice other than to come together in the above manner. There really is no other option. We need to do so using any and every means possible. It is do or die. It all starts now - and there can be no turning back.


The first thing we need is full transparency. Because I am the one proposing this, means I have to go first. I am prepared to put all my cards on the table and reveal what I have to offer - but only if there is sufficient response to this article. If it is received well, in the spirit in which it is shared, then my next post will reveal what I have to contribute from my life’s work. It will include the three core principles of Nature, which when integrated into our efforts, makes everything incorruptible - and guarantees our success.

Despite my best efforts over the last 35 years, everything I have endeavoured to share has gone over most people’s heads - or it was filtered or misconstrued beyond recognition. My book - THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world - offers a complete model and blueprint for us to live and share a natural life. It explains how we as individuals, a collective, or we all can return to living in Peace - despite our current situation. But it is like I wrote a symphony, and in that time, everyone went deaf.

So, before I walk away from this entire mess, I thought I would give it one final go. I am just serving the ball to see what comes back and who wants to play. If there is not enough interest, this will be the last thing I share. I will quietly disappear down a completely new path. I simply have nothing left to give or lose folks. I don’t wish to waste my life persevering in a field where others lack true devotion. Instead, I will redirect all my energies towards something more fun and fulfilling. And if I have to let Rome burn, I will - but it will be from a great distance.

And, yes. This is a pivotal moment - not just in my life, but for the whole of humanity. I have a saying, “I have my sword drawn, and I am ready to use the bloody thing!” Now, I have a double-edged sword in each hand and I am ready to start swinging. Metaphorically, the swords represent the power of discrimination, and knowing what, when, how, where, why and who to spend your time and energy on. I use them to cut through all the BS swamping humanity and ‘shing’ anything or anyone that is not pure. If you share the same vision, it is time to draw your sword and step up, so we can get the job done.

I also say (mostly in jest), “I am not here to rock the boat. I am here to tip the boat over and have the splash wake everyone up.” We are not here to win friends and influence people. We are here to realise and share our true potential and purpose - as a conscious community.

So, are you awake now?
Are you ready to act?
Are you prepared to do whatever it takes?

You can start by liking and sharing this link with every authentic person you know. You can also go and block and report the social media web pages and websites of all politicians, corporations and media outlets. That may blow out all the algorithms and interrupt the spread of lies and propaganda while we gather our power. We only have a small window of opportunity and probably only have one shot at getting this right.

We can create a list of everyone we can ask to re-present us in establishing this organisation. I have an old Google Document with a long list of people and their contacts. If there sufficient interest, I will share it so people can edit and add to it.

Take moment and imagine this:
If we create a movement that goes viral and gets traction over the next 6 months, or even 2 weeks - where could we all be then?

Don’t wait or look for anyone to be your leader. We don’t need leaders when everyone is on the same page. We are only asking all the high-profile people to use their resources to aid in spreading the word. We also request that they voluntarily band together on our behalf. As for myself, I am simply proposing that we all come together to create this conscious movement - and not in anyway trying to be a leader.

Regardless of where you are in the world, you can get the ball rolling by initiating meetings and conferences in your town or city. Then expand into every capital city, state and country. Then, we can have an international conference and bring together the ultimate outcome. The ball is now in your court.

Either way, things are about to get real - so draw your sword and start using the bloody thing!

Please leave your feedback and suggestions below - only genuine answers and contributions are welcomed.
Please don’t waste anyone’s time by just writing comments, posting opinions, or adding your stories - or try to sell or promote other people’s products and services.
Only share what you yourself can directly contribute towards creating the new paradigm.
Everything to do with old one is no longer worthy of a comment!


Love and Light to All
Brian Gerard Schaefer :)

For UPDATES and more information, go to my BitChute channel and watch the videos of the Zoom chats where I discuss this topic further.

UPDATE: See my latest blog article on this topic

If you would like to read more, click on my other blogs. If you would like to a new wholistic perspective and approach to life, or work in the alternative and natural health industry and are seeking the whole picture, I suggest you read THE NATURE OF LIFE: How to remain at Peace while living in the modern world and learn how to maximise your ability to serve others. Click on the link below to purchase your copy now.

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Brian Gerard Schaefer is an author and a self-educated wholistic natural therapist, specialising in kinesiology, myopractic, spiritual counselling, diet and nutrition. He presents seminars and workshops on healing, kinesiology, meditation and personal development.

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