About The Forest Foundation



We believe that everyone can use their gifts, talents, and creativity to forge a new path for humanity. One that seeds our reconnection to the natural world where we can live and prosper in harmony with it.


The Forest Foundation took root in 2019 set up to generate and provide funds for sustainable initiatives that are in line with our mission and vision. Funds are directed towards education, research and development of new innovations and technologies, environmental protection - particularly the preservation and protection of forest areas, and the establishment of self-sufficient communities globally. This is just to name a few or our aims.   

Take a Walk through the Forest with us

Nature brings out in everyone a child-like curiosity, and inspires us to ask bigger questions as to our place in the universe, the sense of awe, wonder and amazement at its rugged majesty can bring people to tears as well as it's delicate beauty and alluring mysteries. A walk through the forest opens all our senses and quickly quietens our minds, buzzing thoughts evaporate and a new stillness sets in as we begin to absorb the symphony of bird song, insects, and streams. There is something innate within us that awakens. It is our birthright as custodians of the earth and caretakers that we must protect it, and we must do it together.


The mission of the Forrest Foundation is to create a
world-leading collaborative effort to live in harmony with the natural world.

By raising funds to support local business, innovative technologies and research, and environmental protection, rejuvenation, and the establishment of community. All done with honour and reverence for nature. We are devoted and believe that it is our duty for the betterment of humanity and the planet. We see the future of the world with a clear vision; a conscious movement towards living in unison with the natural world.



Creating content that empowers individuals spiritually. These include books, workshops and courses. These include meditation, wholistic health, healing, wellness.

Furture dream projects


Raising funds for the purchase and protection of forest land otherwise destined for demolishment and suburban style housing development.  With the sole intention of creating small scale sustainable communities that live harmoniously within the areas as its care takers. 


Generating funds for the development a biofeedback technology unparalleled. 

> Infrastructure

Generating funds for the creation of a wholistic hospital that incorporates alternative medicine, sound/music and technologies.

How can you Help?

Contact Brian to discuss your ideas

Donate to support our courses :)
